Get them Back!!!

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Payu-Don't you dare say a word!!!(Shouts on both Sky and Rain)

Pai-Dare you touch my sister again idiots(😡😡)

Rain-(Backrubbing Sky trying to console him and clam him down)

(Pai and Payu return back)

Rain-(Calls Kuea 📞📞)
Hello! Pa can you come to pick sniff!! Us sniff!! Here please sniff!!

Kuea- Hello Rain! What happened baby is everything alright...

Rain- No Pa nothing is right, Sky is having a panic attack, and I don't know what to do he is not listening sniff!!! to me( speaking in shaky crying voice)
Pa please come Fast na, I cannot see Sky like this 😭😭😭😭( crying)

Kuea- What!!! ,Okay just calm down Rain just send me the location I'm coming baby it's alright okay you please don't take stress I'm just on my way baby..

(Sky faints)


(In the hall of the Mansion)

Kinn- Sorry everyone for the inconvenience! I would you all to the leave and have a save drive back home..

Vegas-And Thank you everyone for making our daughter's birthday so special, now I would like to bid you goodbye , thank you for coming...

(Pai and Payu came back in the hall seeing everyone angry while Ella was crying hugging Chay tightly)


Pai- Pa...(Slaps)

Pete-(In Rage 🔥)
What the fuck was that idiots???

Payu-Pa but why did you slapped us ?(in confusion)

(Vegas who came from behind after bidding Farwell to the guests)

Vegas- Because there is no such thing as gentle parenting in this house for brats...
Did you forgot that Venice...

Pai-But Pa..

Porsche- (Pointing Both Pai and Payu👉)
No not a single word Assholes
What the hell did you do that Kid huh!!
Why did you punch Sky huh!!
Have you both lost your brains or something

Speak something you idiot are you both mute or something...

Pai- Pa didn't you saw how he pushed Ella in front of us and you still want me to keep quiet and not react...

Pete- And what else!!

Payu- What?? Pa we told you why we reacted like that

Pete- You think we are stupid or something. Venice I won't ask you twice ,spill it now..

Pai- Okay fine!
Actually during the party when Speed came

(Few hours back when Speed came
At the Party

[Speed was friend of Payu and Pai from the soccer team at the University as Speed's dad was also an Government official that helped the Theerapanyakul for getting away from the cases and enquiries.
He usually has transferr from one city to another.
And Speed's family shifted in Bangkok again 3 years back
Where in university he met Payu and pai as his senior and use to play soccer with them.
They were good friends in term but not very close..]

Pai- Hey bro sup! How you doing?

Payu-Yea man long time no see let's have a match soon.😏

Speed- Yes phi was kind of busy with the studies and stuff but surely let's play a match soon. And don't worry I'll definitely win this time..😏😏

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