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(Later at the Night in Pentagon)

Rain-Are you going to serve me the drink or not?? ( Ask the Bartender)

Bartender-Sir, you should not drink. You are still below 21,I'm sorry I can't serve you this alcoholic drink

Rain-Are you new here Mr. ?? It's my Pa's club and don't get to say no to me..
If you want you can ask the manager

(Bartender Calls the manager )

Bartender- Yes sir the manager confirmed but still its wrong..

Rain-Man just shut your mouth and do your job and serve me the drink 🍸 or do you want to loose your fucking job Mr.

Bartender-Oh.. okay sir I'll do as you say

(Serves him the drink)

(Few minutes later )

(Payu was in Pentagon too for a drink and heard some noise )

(Rain fighting with some random dude)

Payu-(saw Rain Fighting)
Hey hey hey you both stop fighting
Dude I'm sorry for his misbehavior he is just drunk..

Person- And who the hell are you man?? First of all it him who started the fight he came to my girlfriend and started flirting with her ..

Payu- I'm his senior of his uni and I'm sorry for his behavior

Rain-Oh hawk eye you 🥴🥴🥴 can't live without me huh 🥴🥴🥴 hehehe(drunk talks)

(Pulls Rain in the corner)

Payu-what the hell are you doing here at this time ?? (Worried and Angry)

Rain-huh🥴🥴 it is Sky's Parents Bar
So I can do fucking whatever I want okay Fuck you and your brothers 🥴🥴

Payu-Rain mind your language okay
I didn't came you okay , I just saw the fight and saw you there
You even wasted my time

Rain-Wasted your time hahaha🥴🥴 you and your brothers fucked my and Sky's life and I wasted your time hahaha🥴🥴🥴

Payu-What the hell is wrong with you kiddo I was just helping you and you are cursing me...

Rain-Help hahaha 🥴🥴🥴
(Pulls Payu by his collar towards him)
Holds Payu's cheeks then
Bites his lower lips and started sucking and nibbing

Ahhh Rain!!! (Payu pushed him away)

Rain holds tightly and before leaving he bites Payu's lower lips little hard making it bleed

Payu-What the hell is wrong with you Kiddo??(get angry)

Rain-🥴🥴 paying you back hahaha🥴🥴 this is what you and your brother wants right
First your brother manipulated Sky and kissed him
So I thought you might also need the payment

Payu-Rain stop it !!!

( payu's thought-his eyes looking red and watery as if he wants to cry but holding his pain inside him i saw his face like this for the first time this close )

Who the hell tell you drink??

Rain-Oh 🥴🥴🥴 hahaha so you don't want it huh
Okay I'm sorry you are much worse than your brother
You won't settle less than one night stand right
As you always ask me for it
(Pulls Payu's hand)

Come let's go there is a special Vip room in this club 🥴🥴
No one will disturb us there and you can fulfill all your fantasy there
Come let's go (broken)

Payu-Shut up and sit here I won't here a single word from you anymore
Let me call your Mingyu (Takes a deep breath)
(Make him sit on the sofa near the corner)

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