The more I push the more he pull

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Please p'sky and p'rain marry my brother's P'phoenix and P'Venice and come stay with us na
They are really good they will take of you na please....

(Everyone 😵😮😮😮)

Rain and Sky together- Noooooo!!!

(Both jerks the hand aggressively)

(Rain hid behind Sky)

Kim &Chay- So... Sorry Nongs
Ella didn't mean to say that, Ella say sorry now to your Phis.

(Chay in Anger😡😡) Ella now

(Ella got scared 🥺🥺)

(Everyone got shocked seeing Chay angry😮😮)

(Pete trying to clam Chay )

Ella-🥺🥺🥺 I'm so.. sorry sniff!!! Phi Rain and Phi Sky sniff!!

Sky-(Kneeled and hugged Her tightly) Khun Chay please don't shout at her, she is just a kid(consoling her by patting her head ).It's okay Ella please don't cry na baby please look at us (pull Rain down) we are not angry at you (smiles😊😊)

Rain-Its okay Ella!! common, now are you not going to feed your phi this delicious cake😗😗

Ella- Yess phi I will (feeds cake too both 😋)
(Rain and sky feed her back and applied little cream on her cheeks ☺️☺️ and giggled)

(Both Sky and Rain stand on their feet seeing both Pai and Payu in anger 😠 looking at them)

(Ella went near table and started serving everyone cakes along with her Pa)

(Payu moves little forward towards Rain, saw and again hid behind Sky)

(Pete came in between them facing Rain and Sky)

Pete-So sorry Nong, I think she got too attached 😅 to you both, Actually it's the first time after so long she got attached to someone stranger usually she is only attached to her family member and After Heart Transplant she didn't talked much to strangers, as she was homeschooled for 1 year she didn't even make many friends...

(Sky and Rain in total shocked 😮😮)

What?? Transplant?? Heart!!

Pete-Oh she didn't tell you both
Okay so five year back she was very sick, after so many checkups we got to know she had a big hole in her heart and she immediately needed a heart Transplant, we tried to contact so many places we even called worlds best doctors surgery but without a heart it was not possible until we get her a matching blood doner that too she is -AB ve, there was a child in that hospital who was brain dead and was her same blood group, we begged the doctor to convince their parents anyhow 💔 and even we were ready to give them and any amount we wanted.
But that parents were literally angels they donated their child's heart without even a single penny after that incident we tried to find them a lot to thank them for their godly gesture but couldn't 😔😔..

(Sky and Rain were in tears )

Vegas-It's okay Nong no need to cry our princess is a Fighter, she totally recovered within a year and Doctors also said she can do anything she wants she can play sports,dance,gymnastics,boxing anything (😊😊smiles)
She is literally a strong girl..

Pete-Oh let's end this sad topic here and enjoy the Birthday, let me introduce....

Sky-It's okay Khun Pete I think we should leave now....

(Porsche came from behind)

What!!! no one is leaving from here until the party is over

Kinn-Yes Nong are you angry at us???

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