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I sat in on living room floor, my legs crossed in front of the sofa. My pile homework sat on the coffee table. "What did everyone get for number 8?" I hear Jasper say from the other end of the coffee table. I let out a humming sound as I pretend to skim through my unfinished homework, waiting for Charlotte to answer him.

"I got C" Charlotte says.

Bingo, I quickly tick the letter C, "Yup me too I got C" I say in agreement. Jasper nods as he looks to the next question. I find myself getting irritated, we have been sitting here for what feels like hours, "soo Charlotte when is your friend coming to town? What's her name again? Emma?" I ask, in attempt to divert the conversation away from homework.

Charlotte gives me a glare before replying, "it's Emily and she's coming tomorrow. Her parents are thinking about moving back to Swellview because Dystopia is riddled with crime right now."

I furrow my eyebrows, why would you move from one crime riddled place like Dystopia to another? (Swellview) "is she hot?" I ask with a smirk on my face. She glares at me with annoyance in her eyes, "Henry please don't scare her away"

Charlotte talks about Emily a lot. She used to be Charlotte's neighbour and good friend before Emily moved away to dystopia when they were 8. They kept in contact though as their parents were close. Although, me Charlotte and Jasper weren't close friends with Charlotte and Emily when she moved away so we never got to meet her. I don't have doubts about her if she's Char's friend though. 

I stand up, "no more homework we've been here for hoursssss" I groan. They both give me a confused look, "We've only been here for 15 minutes" Charlotte says sternly.

Suddenly I see Jasper spring up from where he was sat, "yes Charlotte we have, but that's 15 minutes we could've spent doing something funnnnnn! Not boring homework" he says as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I point my index finger to him in agreement with what he just said.

Charlotte let's out an irritated sigh before picking up her homework and standing up, "I'm leaving, you boys can stay here and have funnnnn while I go do my 'boring homework' at my house" she says and she walks up the step of my living room and out the front door.

I smirk as I turn to Jasper, "what a buzz kill she is am I right". We both let out a laugh before heading to my bedroom. 

Piper pulls up to Charlottes house. I push on the door handle, opening the door and slamming it behind me, Jasper doing the same.

"Don't even think I'm picking you back up Henry!" Piper yells before driving off. I give her car a dirty look before following Jasper to Charlottes door. Her friend Emily is coming today and she wants us to meet her. She might already be inside as Piper made me and Jasper a little late. I lift my hand and knock on the door a few times before Charlottes dad swings open the door.

"Hey Mr Page! We're here to see Charlotte" Jasper says with a big grin on his face. Mr Page welcomes us in the house and informs us that Charlotte is in her bedroom. We walk over to the stairs and head up towards her room, where I can already hear giggling.

"I think Emily is here already" I say to Jasper. He shrugs and continues up the stairs. I follow him towards her bedroom for my thought to be confirmed. There Charlotte was sat with a very pretty, brunette haired girl. She wore denim shorts and a white cropped tank top.

Im pulled away from my thoughts to charlottes voice, "Henry, Jasper this is Emily" I walk over to them, placing myself on Charlotte's desk chair, "Hey I'm Henry" I pause. "Henry hart"

"And I'm Jasper!"

We all sat and spoke for a while before all deciding to play a few games of uno. I had 3 cards left, a red +2 card, a yellow 7 and a wild card. I was sure to win. Well that was until Emily places a +4 card and changed the colour to green, "are you kidding me!" I yell as I glare at Emily, who is laughing with Charlotte and Jasper. I huff as I reach for the pile of cards in front of me, picking up 4 cards. The game went downhill from there, Emily ended up winning, Charlotte came second and Jasper followed in third place. Obviously that means I lost.

"So Emily when are you leaving Swellview?" I ask, in attempt of a conversation. She hadn't talked much since me and Jasper got here. She looks up to me, her eyes meeting mine, "um I think we are staying here for a week before going back to Dystopia. We've been staying at my uncles house, but if we decide to move back then we will obviously get our own house." I listened as she stumbled on her words, stuttering every so often.

"Since you're here for a while we should all do something again tomorrow!" Jasper suggests.

"Like what?" I ask.

"We should go mini golfing! After you and Charlotte finish work we can all head over to the golf place and all play mini golf! It'll be so fun" his voice is filled with excitement. It did sound fun, over the past few years I've realised I'm great at mini golf, "sure Jasp sounds fun, me and Char could maybe get the day off work and we can go earlier"


I look down at my phone and see a text from my mom. Dinner is almost ready, when are you planning on leaving Charlottes house?

"Uh guys I've gotta go my moms making dinner" I say, "Charlotte create a groupchat with us and Emily so we can make plans for mini golf" I tell her.

I don't wait for a response before I walk out the room, heading for the front door of Charlottes house. Before leaving I say goodbye to Charlottes parents before heading to my house.


I look to my phone. You have been added to a groupchat with: 'Char' , 'Jasper' and '*insert phone number here*

*this is the groupchat now*

Henry: hey people
Jasper: hi guys
Charlotte: heyy
*insert phone number*: hellooo

I go to click on the phone number and create a new contact for Emily, and go to text her.

Hey it's Henry:)


Authors note

Hii!! Idk how I feel abt this chapter despite it being the first chapter LOL

If u guys like this story let me know and I'll continue it lol


Ily! Say it back

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