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Henry's pov
"Emily seems cool" I say to Charlotte, sitting at the opposite side of the man cave. She looks away from the monitors and over to me, "yeah she is. She's really fun once you get to know her" she shrugged, before going back to clicking on the monitors. She was trying to research information about a new criminal in Swellview. Mr Drag. Right now he didn't seem like much of a threat, he kept himself a low profile. But we should be prepared for him, just in case.

"Who's this Emily girl?" Ray asked after sitting up from the sofa in the man cave.

"She's a friend of mine from Dystopia. She moved away when we were really young. But her family are considering moving back to Swellview because Dystopia is really dangerous right now." Charlotte says.

"Dystopia?!" Ray yells with a hint of confusion in his tone, "why would they move from Dystopia to Swellview? Our crime rates are just as high as Dystopias"

Ray makes a point. Swellview is just as Dangerous as Dystopia. It just sounds like an odd reason to move if you ask me.

I look at the time and realise we have to leave soon, "Char we're gonna have to leave now if we wanna make it to mini golf." I say to which Charlotte agrees and we walk towards to elevator.

I press the elevator button and before we know it me and Charlotte are flying up to Junk N Stuff.  As the doors open, I find myself clinging onto Charlotte for dear life. Charlotte scoffs at me before pushing me off her. 

The walk to the mini golf place wasn't too long. Me and Charlotte spoke about whatever came to mind, and after around 15 of walking minutes we arrived. I saw Emily already standing outside. She had headphones on and clearly didn't see us. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to scare her. I slowly creeped up behind her.

"EMILY" I yelled, shaking her shoulders violently. The decision to scare her quickly backfired, as she turned around and punched me straight in the nose. Luckily I'm used to a few punches in the face from bad guys, so it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh my god Henry! Why would you scare me like that? Are you okay?" Her words were panicked, genuine worry in her tone. I laughed at her.

"It's okay Emily! I thought it would be funny.. guess that backfired on me huh?" I nudge her arm and she furrowed her eyebrows, "shouldn't have scared me, that's on you" she says, pointing at my face.

"Is Jasper here yet?" I hear Charlotte say from next to me and Emily. I look around and shake my head. He was supposed to-

My thoughts were interrupted by a dreadful smell coming from somewhere near us. What the hell is that? I turn to my left and see Jasper walking towards us, covered in what seems like... trash?

"Dude what the hell happened to you? Why do you smell like death?" I ask.

"Well Henry you know your sweet little sister? Yeah well when I refused to pick up her Nacho Ball" he paused, taking a breath, "she threw your trash all over me!"

I bite my lip, trying not to laugh. However my attempt fails when I hear Emily burst out laughing.

"Dude you got trashed by my little sister!" I say, trying to contain my laugh.

"Cmere Jasper.." Charlotte says disappointingly. Me and Emily watch as Charlotte helps get rid of whatever trash was stuck on Jaspers clothes.

"A little help here guys?" She asks.

I look to Emily and look back at Charlotte.

"Yeah.. no"

"Your on your own girl"

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