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Emily's POV

Ollie: so when am I getting that date?

I look at my phone and smile. Me and Ollie had been talking non stop since I got his number.

Me: hm when do u wanna have it?

I still haven't told him I don't live here yet, I'm hoping that our parents become certain on moving here, then I would only spend a few months back in Dystopia and then come back.

Ollie: how abt tonight? Montegos? I have tickets :)

The text caused me to let out a small squeal from excitement, Henry and Charlotte turned to look at me from the monitors.

"Is that Ollie?" Charlotte smirks . She starts to make her way over to the sofa which I'm sitting on.

"Who's Ollie?" Henry asks us, raising his eyebrow.

Charlotte looked over to him, "this 'cute blond boy' Emily met in a cafe" she says, mocking the words I told her. I quickly smacked her arm, "Charlotte! I said not to say anything to anyone"

"Relax it's only Henry!" She laughs. My eyes roll as I slouch into the sofa.

Me: sounds good, I'll meet you there at 8?

"He's taking me to Montegos tonight" I smile. Ollie is really attractive. He looks like he's straight out of an American high school movie. Blue eyes, blond hair, muscular. Like wow. Normally I wouldn't go for blondes, all my exes and crushes have been brunette.

I lost my train of thought as Henry begun talking, "Montegos huh? Fancy" he smirks.

I felt my lips turn into a smile, "yeah. Oh my god I gotta get ready!" My legs take me to the elevator. I hear Charlotte and Henry begin to talk about something before the elevator door shuts.

What am I gonna wear? Is he dressing fancy? Or casual? I mean it's Montegos? Surely we have to dress slightly fancy.

Before I click the button I quickly open the door again, "you guys have gotta help me get ready" I sigh.

They both look over to me, "sure we can help" Charlotte beams, dragging Henry towards the elevator.

"Who says I'm helping?" He exclaimed.

We both scoffed before pressing the up button.


We all reached my uncles house and entered me and Cole's bedroom. Cole was sat on the bed that was opposite mine, "what's going on? Why is Charlotte here? Who's he? Is that Jasper?" Cole questions.

"One, I have a date. Two, Charlotte is helping me get ready. Three, that's Henry not Jasper, he is also gonna help" I answer all of his questions.

"I actually am not helping I got dragged here" Henry protested, me and Charlotte shushed him.

"Hey I'm Cole, im sure you've heard of me I'm awesome" he smirks. I give Cole a dirty look, "Henry this is Cole my brother"

"I've not heard of you, I'm Henry as you already know" Henry shines a smile at my brother. It's relieving to see Cole with someone our age. He has been worried about not having any friends here.

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