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Emily's POV

I was excited to have a job. I had never had one before, unless you count helping my dad mow the lawn a job. Hopefully having a job will convince my parents to definitely move here.

Although I will miss Dystopia, like I will miss my friends. I'll miss me and Cole stealing our parents alcohol and sneaking out the house to go drinking with our friends. I'll miss skipping class with my friends, despite half of them being fake.

It will be a fresh start here. And even if things went south, I always have Cole. Other than us arguing almost every day, he's a good brother. Ever since we were born we've been inseparable. You know, typical twin relationship.

"I don't wanna move here" I hear Cole mumble from the other sofa. I look up from my phone.

"How come?" I ask, "I kinda missed it here. It'll be good to move, plus I got a job!"

He looks at me confused, bringing his legs onto the sofa, "one, my girlfriend lives in Dystopia. Two, this place is boring and we don't know anybody. And three, who the hell would hire you?"

I give him a dirty look, "you could do long distance. Plus I wouldn't even call her your girlfriend, you've barely even went on a date" I pause, taking a drink of my water, "also I can introduce you to Henry and Jasper.. you've already met Charlotte"

He shrugs, picking up his phone from his side, "what's the deal with Henry and Jasper? Like what are they like?"

I think. I don't really know them that well, Henry appears to be nice. He seems quite funny from the time we've spent together. Also, he's Kid Danger so he can clearly fight. That would definitely interest Cole, that boy has been in so many fights. But I can't tell Cole that he's Kid Danger.

And from what I've seen so far Jasper is a bit odd. He likes buckets which is an odd interest, but each to their own. He also has a cat, always a good sign about someone.

I love cats. I have one of my own called Cleo. She's a black and white cat, and she is so so fluffy. My Moms friend is taking care of Cleo while we are away. But she will definitely be moving with us if we move to Swellview. I miss her so much, normally she would with me whenever I'm in the house. It feels weird her not being here.

"Well Jasper is odd, but he's sweet. And Henry seems funny. I don't know much about them we haven't spent lots of time together." I tell him, I was met with a humming noise.

"Wanna watch Dogs Got Talent?" Cole asks.


We both head up to the guest bedroom that we have been staying in. It's not the comfiest room in the world. There are two twin beds with hard mattresses. Not to mention me and Cole are sharing a room, which we haven't done since we were 9.

We both sit on our beds and turn on the small tv, "why didn't we just stay in the living room and use that tv? This tv is tiny I can barely see it" I ask.

Cole looks to me, "probably because uncle Chris will start watching it with us" he points out.

I shrug, he's not wrong. If uncle Chris watched it with us, he would talk right through it. Or treat us like babies. I think he still thinks me and Cole are still 8, he treats us like it anyways.

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