PART 7 :

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" can I ask you something?" she said, her voice a little shaky. "Sure, what's up?" he replied, glancing at his watch. "Hamdan, are you into someone?" she asked, her heart pounding. "Into someone?" he said with a smile, "I'm totally head over heels in love with her!" Her heart skipped a beat, and then it felt like it shattered into a million pieces. She thought he wouldn't reveal so much so easily, but he did, and she couldn't believe her ears. She was snapped back to reality when she heard Hamdan's voice asking, " By the way why'd you ask that?" She stumbled over her words, " N-nothing, just curious, that's all. I'll take off now, thanks again for the phone. " she walked away and Hamdan went back to his phone probably scrolling through social media or something else!

( At Shop )
While everyone was busy selecting their outfits for the wedding, Mrs. Maliha noticed Alaya standing alone, not choosing a dress for herself. Her mother called out to her, " Alaya, dear, why are you just standing there? Come here and pick out what you want to wear to your sister's wedding!" Alaya walked over to her mother and sat down beside her, still gazing at the floor, not selecting a dress. Her mother asked, " Alaya, what's wrong? You were fine the whole car ride here. What's changed?" Alaya replied, " Nothing, Mom, I'm just not feeling well. You know I don't like crowded places, and I'm feeling suffocated here. Can I go outside?' Her mother responded, " Okay, dear, but don't go anywhere without telling me. I'll choose a beautiful dress for you. Is that okay?" Alaya agreed happily, "Okay, Mom, thank you! But please choose a white dress." She said that, and then she walked out of the store. She sat down on a bench outside, staring at the ground, and tears started to fill her eyes.

( Why is this happening to me?! I'm not crying because he likes someone else; I'm crying because I knew all this already, but my heart just wouldn't accept it. Oh Allah, what should I do? I'm hurting so much ! She wiped away her tears and tried to take deep breaths, but couldn't control her crying . The tears flowed uncontrollably. Alaya, please stop crying, she told herself, or your eyes will be red and swollen, and you don't want anyone to see you like this. Stop crying, control yourself, it's just a minor crush, why are you taking it to heart? Relax, don't feel upset, everything happens according to Allah's will. Maybe this wasn't good for you, that's why Allah prevented it by rejecting your decision. Now stop it! You're a good girl, you can handle everything, so why are you becoming weak? She consoled herself, and eventually, the tears stopped, and she felt a little more relaxed .)

Right then, her phone pinged with a notification, and she checked to see who it was from. It was a text from Miraal! She opened the message :

" Have you asked him ? "
" yeah i did asked him . "
" then what he said 🤔 ? Did he likes someone ? "
" yes ! He likes someone and you know what he was looking so happy when he said that he loved her 😭. "
" OH ! ☹️ Don't cry my baby i can feel what you are going through . its okay don't feel upset you will get someone who will love you the way you want ."
" and leave Hamdan ! he is not made for you 😏 ."
" No i'm not feeling upset ! I knew it from the start that he likes someone else then what's the reason to feel hurt ? "

( Author's pov : ' With trembling hands and tears welling up in her eyes, she typed out the message, struggling to keep her emotions in check.' )

" Alaya meri jaan i know that you are hurt . please don't be weak i'm here for you 👍 If you want to cry you can dear you will feel better "
" ☹️ i know you are here for me i love you ' moro ' . I'll talk to you later ok ."

After sending the text to Miraal, she sat there with her eyes closed, processing everything that had happened. Just then, everyone came out of the store, and her mom called out, " Alaya, come on, we're all done, let's head home ! " She got up and left with them, still feeling a bit dazed . The whole car ride, she didn't say a word to anyone, and she made a point to avoid looking at Hamdan, keeping her eyes averted.

( At home )
When they got home, everyone gathered in the living room, but Alaya went straight to her room, shutting herself in. She didn't even look at the dress her mom had gotten for her. The rest of the day was pretty quiet, with Alaya keeping to herself.

( Three days later... )
For the past two days, Alaya was really quiet and didn't say much. Her mom noticed and asked her what was going on, but Alaya just shrugged it off, saying 'Nothing, Mom, just stressed about my exams.' After that, Alaya tried to act like everything was okay again, not wanting to worry anyone, and slowly went back to being her happy self. And then, the day finally came when Alaya came home from college after finishing her last exam! "Mom, I'm so relieved - my exam went amazing, and I'm sure the result will be great too, In Sha Allah ! " Alaya exclaimed, giving her mom a big hug. Her mom smiled and said, " Alhumdulilah ! my daughter's finally feeling better! You were so worried about the exams, it was really stressing you out . Now its over ! okay, go get changed, and I'll start making lunch for you !

After finishing her lunch, Alaya sat on the couch scrolling through Instagram when she heard the doorbell ring. She called out to her brother, " Ayaan, someone's at the door ! " Her brother emerged from the room, looking annoyed, and said, " You're sitting right next to the door, can't you see? Why are you telling me to open it?" Alaya gave him a pleading look, gesturing for him to open the door . He opened the door to find Mrs. Ayzel and Hazel standing there, holding a box of sweets. He invited them in, and as they entered, Alaya called out to her mother and stood up to greet them.

After exchanging pleasantries, they all sat down on the couch together. Mrs. Maliha asked, " So, has the engagement been fixed? " mrs. Ayzel smiled and extended the box of sweets towards mrs. Maliha, saying, " Yes, Alhumdulilah , it's finally happening! " As Alaya listened to her mother and aunt's conversation, she became confused and asked, " Wait, whose engagement has been fixed? What's going on ? " But Hazel's next words made her freeze in place: " IT'S HAMDAN BHAI'S ENGAGEMENT THAT'S BEEN FIXED ! "


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