PART 13 :

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Everyone started eating, but Alaya was eating very slowly, and her mood was quite gloomy, which everyone noticed, but one person noticed it a bit too much, though . And that someone was none other than Hamdan Khan, who noticed Alaya's gloominess today. He gestured to Yahya to do something to lift her mood, and Yahya nodded in agreement .

" I had heard that someone is very tough , who never cries, but today they have cried so much that the carpet has become wet, cry baby!" Yahya said, teasing Alaya playfully, "Who said I'm crying? I was not crying, beware, if you call me a crybaby again ! " Alaya answered , "But I didn't even take anyone's name, you just assumed it by yourself , well, that's a good thing !" Yahya said, showing off his complete set of teeth while laughing .

Alaya was getting very angry with Yahya, but then she remembered something and turned to her dad, " Ahhh, Dad, look at how Yahya is teasing me so much! And you know, he went to London without even telling us , and to top it off, he gave me a gift so late! You should scold him properly for this ! " As soon as she said this, she started teasing Yahya with a smile, and Yahya, who was initially upset after hearing Alaya's words, couldn't help but laugh at her teasing, though he tried to control it. And at the same time, Hamdan, who was sitting in the chair opposite Alaya, also smiled.

( AUTHOR'S POV : " Yahya and Alaya's bonding had been like this since childhood ; she used to treat him like her own elder brother, and he used to tease her like a younger sister, but also cared for her deeply. " )

( At home )
Everyone was very tired because they had enjoyed a lot and also worked a lot, so they decided to change and go to their respective rooms to sleep. Alaya had already shifted her belongings to Laraib's room and was now sitting in front of the mirror, looking at herself with wet eyes. She hadn't changed her clothes yet, she had only removed her scarf and thrown it on the bed, her hair was open and straight at the top, but slightly curly at the bottom, reaching her mid-back. She was crying over her fate when she saw Miraal's call on her mobile phone. At first, she was surprised, then she felt angry, but then she calmly picked up the phone and put it to her ear, but didn't say anything.

( On Call )

MIRAAL : " How are you, my baby ? And how was my surprise ? " She asked such questions, as if pouring salt on Alaya's wounds.

ALAYA : " How can you do this with me, Miraal ? What's wrong have I done to you ? " Her voice was full of pain and helplessness.

MIRAAL : " You forgot so soon ? Don't you remember what you did to me in the past? You snatched my love from me, you ruined my life ! You're a cruel person !! " She started screaming in anger .

ALAYA : " What are you talking about, when did I do anything like that ? Miraal, are you in your senses ? " Alaya was unable to understand what Miraal was trying to say, as her words made no sense to her .

MIRAAL : "Don't try to act too innocent in front of me . I know girls like you, who initially appear naive and innocent, but later reveal their true colors and manipulate all the boys with their charm." Miraal was spewing out all the venom from her heart.

ALAYA : " Enough, Miraal enough !!! Not a single word more ! I won't tolerate anyone questioning my character. Be warned, if you dare to say anything like that again, I'll pull your tongue out of your mouth ! " Miraal's words were like a sharp dagger, piercing Alaya's heart, and she couldn't bear even a single word against her character, so she warned Miraal in a cold and harsh tone.

MIRAAL : " Ohhhoo !! You're so concerned about your character, first correct your own mistakes madam ! You've been snatching others' love for a long time, that's your old habit. And now you're threatening me ? " Miraal said with a sarcastic and mocking tone.

ALAYA : " Miraal, have you gone crazy ? You're talking nonsense ! When have I ever snatched someone's love? And you know very well that I never even talked to any boy in school or college, so how can you accuse me of such a thing ? " Alaya said, controlling her anger.

MIRAAL : " Madam, have you forgotten Sufiyaan Malik ? " She reminded her in a taunting manner, as if throwing a stone at her, bringing back a memory that Alaya had forgotten .

( AUTHOR'S POV : Just then, Alaya realized what she was saying and how she could have forgotten Sufiyaan Malik, who was Miraal's love, although they had broken up a short time ago. Alaya was still unable to understand who she had snatched the love of, as she was still in the dark about the whole situation. )

ALAYA : " Miraal, you and Sufiyaan had broken up, right ? So what's his relevance here now ? What are you trying to say? Please explain, why are you entangling things ? " Alaya asked, sounding exasperated and helpless, like a person who is fed up with Miraal's accusations and wants a clear explanation.

MIRAAL : " l'm saying that our breakup happened because of you ! You're the enemy of my happiness! You never let me be friends with boys, you always forbade me from forming relationships, and when Sufiyaan and I were finally happy together, you couldn't bear it and he broke up with me because of you !! You're the root of all the trouble ! " Miraal was finally unleashing all the pent-up emotions she had been holding inside for years, pouring out her anger and resentment towards Alaya.

ALAYA : " Miraal, y-y-you had so much hatred for m-me in your heart ? A-Am I so bad for you? I only wanted what's best for you . And because of me, Sufiyaan left you, w-what do you even mean by that ? " Alaya asked, choking back her tears and trying to control her emotions, her voice trembling with hurt and confusion.

( AUTHOR'S POV : " But the next words that came out of Miraal's mouth were like a sharp slap to Alaya, and she wasn't even in the wildest of her dreams expecting Miraal to say something like that " )

MIRAAL : " Why ??? because when i first showed him to you , saying you're my best friend, he started getting attracted to you, and then he fell in love with you ! Because he liked your innocence very much " Miraal said, her words piercing Alaya's heart like a sharp dagger, revealing a shocking truth.

MIRAAL : " And then he told me that he can't stay with me because he has feelings for you in his heart, that's why he left me. Since then, I've decided that I won't let you be happy either , " Miraal said with a venomous tone, her words dripping with malice and resentment, revealing a deep-seated grudge against Alaya .

ALAYA : " So, don't you l-love Hamdan ? A-Are you doing all this to take revenge on m-me?" saying this Alaya placed her hand on her mouth, trying to hold back her sobs, her voice trembling with emotional pain.

( AUTHOR'S POV : " But Miraal's next words make her stunned at her place )



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