PART 30 :

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Hamdan was sitting in the lounge, doing his office work, when Alaya called him for breakfast and started setting the dining table. Both of them were very quiet, not saying a word to each other.

It was as if they were strangers, and this cold behavior was persisting even after the night's events, as if they had forgotten that they knew each other.

Breakfast was being eaten in silence, Hamdan's gaze kept falling on Alaya, who seemed very quiet and subdued. He remembered how he had seen her crying eyes last night when he came after praying his salah at masjid , but he didn't say anything .

I was eating my breakfast in silence, when Hamdan's voice broke the silence, " Alaya, is everything okay ? " I was surprised that he had noticed something was amiss .

" Why are you so worried about me ? Can't you see I'm fine ? " My response was rude, and I didn't even realize why I had reacted that way .

Hamdan gazed at me intensely, his jaw clenched, he take a deep breath as if he was struggling to control his anger. and said, " I don't have time to be worried about you, it's just that my mother made me promise to take care of you, since you're now my wife and her daughter-in-law . "

" I can take care of myself, don't worry about me , " I said, taking a sip of my juice. Hamdan nodded and stood up, " Okay, as you wish. Do whatever you want, I don't care . "

He said that and picked up his bag, left for the office. And then I realized that maybe I had been too rude in my behavior.

"I wasn't being rude, and anyway, why would he care about me ? He's only looking out for me because of my phupo's ( aunt's ) instructions, and I don't like that someone's caring for me just because they're being told to. It's better if he doesn't care about me, that way no unnecessary feelings will develop in my heart . "

" I was already in a bad mood, missing my parents, and then he had to go and say that he's only taking care of me because my aunt told him to. What a compassionate person, indeed ! " (said with sarcasm)

The whole day passed in boredom, and she still hadn't spoken to anyone at home. She didn't know what was holding her back from speaking, but she felt guilty for not speaking. Yet, she also remembered how her mother had forced her into this marriage, and that thought made her feel even more reluctant to speak .

Hamdan was also very busy at the office because he had a crucial meeting next month regarding a project he was working on, so he was quite occupied with that .

( At night )
Alaya waited for Hamdan all night, but he didn't come. She had been waiting since 7 pm, and it was already 9 pm, but he still hadn't arrived, and he hadn't even called to say he would be late .

Alaya was extremely upset and angry. She got up, skipped dinner, performed her night prayer, and went to sleep, determined not to speak to Hamdan again.

She had decided that if he asked her anything, she would only respond with a simple "yes" or "no" and end the conversation.

Because she was convinced that Hamdan had not come home because of the argument they had this morning and hadn't even bothered to send a message .

I was so caught up in work that it got really late, it was already 10 pm when I entered the house. There was a faint light on, which suggested that Alaya had fallen asleep.

I quietly took off my shoes and entered, placing my court and bag on the couch. When I went to the kitchen to get water, I saw a note on the fridge, which reads :

" If you're finally free from work and have come home, then reheat the food and eat it, I won't wait for you anymore . " ( The note is from Alaya to Hamdan, indicating her frustration and hurt at being neglected and ignored )

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