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Heyyyyyy guyyys this was a request from a few people so thank you for them and I still am taking requests. Some people said they wanted a chapter named "jealousy" so here we are. I was a bit stuck on who should be jealous and about what but one of my friends helped me come up with an idea. So I hope you all enjoy 🫶🏻

( also pretend Mia hasn't been fired in this one) Mia's pov:
Reece texted me last night to tell me I need to cover at the sister nursery today, honestly I'm exited about it as I get to spend the whole day with my girl. And it's also an opportunity to work on being more nice to people for char. I know she doesn't mind when I'm rude to parents, especially when they deserve it but I also know she doesn't particularly like it either so I'm gonna try and be on my best behaviour for her. God she's got me so whipped I would of never thought I would do anything to change myself for a girl let alone if they haven't even asked me to change. But truth fully, I need her just as much as she needs me. I feel like that's why we just work and go together well. I honestly adore her with my whole heart and I love how I can see sides of her that no one else has seen. I've never felt this way for someone and I never thought I would. Just thinking of her brings a smile to my face and normally I don't like to show my emotions but around her it's like the wall I've tried so hard to built just falls down. But in a way I like it. I like how I can emotionally connect with someone as I've never had that before. I've never had someone to call my own. My dad ran off with the knight siblings mum , and that left my mum alone with me and... well alcohol. And even if my mum was sober, which was very rare, she always had company with her so I just shut off from the world. That's partly why I let Rodger take advantage of me for so long. I felt like someone needed me for something. Although that didn't stop the loneliness that had always been in my heart. That was until Char. She truly has helped me in so many ways and she doesn't even know it. Everyone else sees me as this cold hearted monster, but she... she sees me as a human being who just needed love. I had dug myself so deep into a hole with no way to get out and then char comes into my life and gives me the ladder to climb out. Given my past, I know some people think that I just want char for her body, but that's not true. I could never even think about taking advantage of char like that. I love to just cuddle with her and give her kisses on her soft lips. We talk about everything and everything. I feel like the 15 year old me who never actually got a "teen romance" as I was too busy scrambling after Rodger's orders. Char brings out a side of me that I didn't even know I had.

Char's pov:
I slowly stir awake and look to my side to see Mia looking deep in thought.
"Morning baby" I groan sleepily. A slight smile comes to her face when she hears my voice, which makes a smile tug on my lips as well.
"Morning sweetheart. How'd you sleep?" She looks into my eyes like I'm the only girl in the world and I look back at her with just as much love. Opening my arms so that she will cuddle with me I reply,
"I always sleep well with you next to me"
She understands what I want her to do so she lies back down and snuggles into me, specifically my boobs. I giggle at her and playfully roll my eyes.
"How long have you been awake for?" I ask, my hands finding her hair to fun my fingers through it.
"Not long, I was just deep in thought"
"Hm. You okay?" I ask with concern in my voice
"Yeah", she looks up into my eyes, "I promise." She leans up and captures my lips with her own. I smile a bit into it not being able to control how happy she makes me.
"I'm at your nursery today sweetheart. Toddler room with you"
"Really?" I exclaimed excitedly causing her to laugh lightly at my antics.
"Yep, you're stuck with me for the whole day sweetheart. Lucky you"
"I feel like the luckiest girl in the world" I only half joke. She pecks my lips and then resumes her place in between my boobs.

After about 10 minutes of cuddles and kisses we decided to get up to go to work. Well...I decided to but someone else had other plans. I tried to get up but she doesn't let me, snd snuggles further into my chest.
"Baby we need to get ready for work or we'll be late"
"Nooooooooooo", she whined which made me smile, "I want to stay in bed all day with you" I could practically see the pout that was laced in her voice.
"We can't baby, the nursery is already understaffed at the moment. We can't just pull a sickie because 'my girlfriend wants to stay in bed all day and cuddle'" she suddenly sat up straight
"You called me your girlfriend?!"
"You said 'my girlfriend' so unless you have someone else in your life that I don't know about you were referring to me" I was a blushing from embarrassment at this point at the accidental slip of 'girlfriend'
"W-well I erm- you are- will you erm" I probably just sounded like a blabbering mess but she smiled none the less and brought our faces together to give me a gentle but passionate kiss. She pulled away and rested her forehead against mine.
"Char, my love, be my girlfriend"
"I'm your girlfriend" I smiled wildly with her mirroring the action. She gave me another kiss then pulled away and got up
"Come on then sweetheart, can't stay in bed all day, things to do, people to see"
I rolled my eyes at this. God she's insufferable but I wouldn't change her for the world.

Sweetheart ~ A Mialotte story Where stories live. Discover now