Our little family

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Heyyyyyy guysss so this wasn't a request but I came up with the idea yesterday while talking to one of my friends sooooo I hope you enjoy 🫶🏻

Mia's Pov:
I wanted to get into work a bit earlier then I normally do so I can see Char. She has the kids tonight which means I can't see her so I just wanted to spend a little time with her today where we aren't having to be around other people and nursery children. Char has never said that we can't see each other on the days she has her kids but I don't want to intrude as she only gets them a few times a week. And honestly I'm a bit scared to meet them because what if they don't like me or something.
I arrive at work and go up to the staffroom and see char on her phone smiling down on something. I sneak up on her and peek over her shoulder to see it was a selfie of us that I took on her phone. It was a picture of me smiling at the phone while char is kissing my cheek. I have the same on my phone but with me kissing her cheek. 
"Hey baby girl" I say gently and wrap my arms around her shoulders from behind. She moves her head backwards with look up at me.
"Hi" she says in that cute little voice of hers that I couldn't resist leaning down to give her a kiss. Once we pull away I see her smiling and then lick her lips slightly
"Mmmm. Is that cherry flavoured lip gloss?" She asks looking into my eyes
"Yeah, you want some more?" She just blushes and nods her head a bit so I lean down and give her another kiss but this one lasting longer, with us both smiling into it. I walk around the chair to stand in front of char and then pull her up off of her chair and sit down. I grab her waist gently and pull her back down to sit on my sideways. She giggles and kisses my neck gently as I rub her back.
"All right you two keep it in your pants, you're gonna make me throw up my breakfast" we hear a voice say from behind us.
"Carly." Char gives her a warning glare as I snuggle into her neck.
"Anyway, Marjorie told me that if I see you then I should tell you that she wants to see you before your lunch break."
"Tell her that Mia said no and she can't take my girlfriend away from me when we can't see each other much today" I grumble and then feel char stroking my hair.
"Wait? girlfriend! YOU TWO ARE OFFICIALLY GIRLFRIENDS" I hear char laughing quietly which makes me smile.
"Tell her that her talk needs to be finished by my lunch break otherwise I will have a very grumpy redhead to deal with" char replies to Carly
"Okayyyyyy" I hear the staffroom door close
"You better be done by lunch break or I will be having words with Marjorie" I grumble.
"Oh yeah? And what would you do to me?" I hear char say suggestively
"There's nothing I can do you have the kids tonight" I whine and snuggle further into her neck.

Char's pov:
As me and Mia were supervising the kids while they at, well I say supervising but we were more flirting with each other while keeping an eye on them. Mia had my hands in her own playing with my fingers when Marjorie came in to get me.
"Hey Charlotte are you ready to talk? Mia" she nods her head as she says the last bit in Mia's direction to show she's acknowledged her.
"Marjorie, I hope Carly told you what I said" she raises an eyebrow, god she's hot.
"Don't worry it's not along char she'll be back in time for your break" she rolls her eyes "come on char let's go"
Mia was reluctant to let go of my hands as I tried to walk away.
"I'll be back before break. I promise. Us spending time together means just as much to me as it does to you" I give her a quick peck on the lips when no one is watching and give her hands one last squeeze before walking away.

"Hey Marjorie, what did you want to speak to me about"
"Hello ml, firstly, how are you feeling. Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm... really good actually" I look down with a blush thinking of Mia.
"That's good I'm glad. I just wanted to tell you that tonight there's an emergency meeting between the two nursery's and the owner."
"O-oh, I can't do tonight, do I have to come?"
"Look, I understand that Mia is your new...friend? But you can't blow off a staff meeting to spend time with her. This is more important."
"Okay first of all, Mia is my girlfriend not my friend and I don't like you disrespecting her like that. And two not that it's any of your business tonight was actually my night with the kids and I don't get that many as it is." I say growing angry.
"Right well it's essential that you come. It won't take long so you can be home to your kids in no time"
"Ok. Is that all?" I say annoyed
"Bye" I walk out the office and bump into Mia on the way out.
She takes my hand in hers and leads me to the staff toilets and locks the door. She then wraps her arms around my neck and brings me into her and squeezing me in a tight hug.
"You're okay now, I'm here. I'll always be here"
"I don't understand why she's being so rude to me at the moment. What have I done to be treated like that" I say breaking into tears.
"Baby l, you haven't done anything. Do you want me to look after your kids tonight? Just until you are back and then I'll be out of your hair"
"I can't ask you to do that Mia"
"You're not asking, I am"
"Are you sure you don't mind?"
"Would I suggested it if I did?"
"Okay fine. But I want you to stay the night. Please" I give her a pout which makes her roll her eyes and give me a kiss on the lips.
"Anything for you my love. You'll need to call up the kids school and tell them that I'll be collecting them."
"Marjorie said that the meeting didn't start until 4 so I can come with you to pick them up so that they know who you are"
"Okay sweetheart" she kisses my lips softly again and brings her hands down to my waist rubbing up and down my sides. "Let's go get some lunch baby girl." And with that she took my hand and led me to the staffroom. 

After work.
Mia's pov: 
I was currently driving Char's car to the school so we could pick up the kids. I had one of my hands on her thigh, occasionally taking it off to change gears. I pull up to the school and look at char and fiddle with her fingers, a habit I do when I'm anxious about something.
"They will love you baby, I promise. I mean in my opinion it's impossible not to love you. And I'm their mother so I know they will love you as well" she says giving my hand a squeeze.
"Come on then, I guess we best go and get them" I say getting out the car then going to Char's side to open her door too. I take her hand out of habit but then realise to the drop it again. However to my surprise she grabs my hand back up and leads me to the door to the school.

Once we had collected the kids and got them in the car I drove back to char's house, this time keeping my hands to myself as her kids were there. We got them in the house and got them a snack and set up some tv for them to watch while we went upstairs so char could get changed. I sat on her bed, my back resting on the headboard as I played on my phone. I hear char come over and straddle my lap and put her face into my neck. I put my phone down and stroke her back.
"Would you mind if I told them about us?" I hear char ask in a quiet voice
"Really?" I asked with a bit  of shock in my voice I hear her giggling at my surprised expression which makes a smile tug on my lips.
"We'll go do it now. Okay?" She asked looking deep into my eyes.
"Yeah" I nod and get up, her doing the same.

We made our way downstairs to where the kids were watching their show on the sofa.
"Hey guys can I talk to you?" I hear char ask in a quiet voice, kneeling down to be at their eye level. Her oldest daughter, Rosie, paused the tv and paid attention to her mum, the youngest, Amy, doing the same.
"Do remember how I told you about how family's can be completely different from each-other?" She asked with the kids replying with a nod.
"Well you know how I was telling you that some people have two mums? Well Mia is actually mummy's girlfriend." She says waiting for their reaction.
"Wait so, Mia is our mum, along with you but dad is still our dad?" Rosie asks
"Well yes I guess you could look at it that way" char replies
"Yayyyyyyyy two mummy's" Amy shouts and runs over to me and hugs me tightly. My heart swells at this and I can tell char's does as well.
"I know Amy is little so she doesn't really understand, but do I call you mum?" Rosie asks directing her gaze to me.
"Well you can call me what you want to call me. I don't want to take the 'mum' title away from your mum so I understand if you don't want to call me that. I don't mind what you call me"
"I think I want to call you something to do with mum but just different so you two don't get mixed up" she says thinking. Then she comes over and hugs both me and char at the same time.
"Welcome to the family Mamma"

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