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After feeding them , Asher help me to place them in  the cradle ,I button up my dress but this time Mr.Asher 's full focus is on me . He is smirking at me.

"Thank you Asher for helping now you can go"

"Why are you throwing me outside, iam not disturbing you right"

"Asher why are you doing this"

" what iam doing wifey"

"You ,you ,why are behaving lovey dovey even after my betrayal"

"Yah I get indignant over your betrayal, but I forgive you "

Really am I forgiven but why he is suddenly forgiving me

"Are you pitying me ,and what is the reason for sudden forgivenss"

"Feisty much right" again he stupidly smirks at me

"Ok I forgive you and the reason is I want to free from hatred   and I beleive in you"

"What ?"

The room door opens suddenly and enters my mother in law and my father ,both of them gives me a sweet smile.

"Aurora dear there is a heavy rain outside and also storm warning so  Mrs.Rose and Asher is staying here , are you ok with that"

I see the climate outside, indeed the climate isn't so good ,so I just nodded my head

Time skip

After finishing the dinner I enters my room but Asher follows and enter inside my room and locks it ,

"Why are you following me "

"Iam not following and this is my wife's room so iam obliged to stay here ,is there any problem"

What is the problem with this idiot , i mean why he is suddenly turn into lovey and dovey ,even before one week he throw cold attitude towards me but now he turns into a Romeo ,I mean I just fall into unconscious sate for 1 hour but between this interval what happens here and what happen to cold Asher.

But fortunately he freshen up and he changes his clothes into a comfortable one, and for my amusement he wears my father's cloth ,he is looking good in it.

After sometime he goes near the sofa and lies on it.

This makes me comfortable because iam not ready for any intimacy and unknowingly my lips twice into smile.

Slowly I fell asleep but at midnight I hears my babies loud weeping
I abruptly get up from my bed but Asher is  already there and he is trying to calm them down
But I know they won't stop their weeping until they get food

"Asher give them to me ,I will feed them"

"You can feed one at a time right"

"No if I feed one of them than other one will weep"


After feeding them ,Asher help them to burp and atlast they fell into deep slumber

During the process of feeding ,Asher is present near me, he helps me to adjust them on my lap but instead of other emotion ,his eyes filled with respect ,respect for me indeed this increase my love for him .

I turn to my side to see him but he sleeps already ,I slowly walk near him and touch his hair,

"Iam glad Asher I have you , I love you Asher" but sadly I can convey this word only in his slumber ,from our marriage till this day I never express my love for him

For others ,for my father  even for Asher our marriage is just an arrange marriage ,everyone think I hate this marriage because I don't express any interest towards Asher or this marriage , I always throw tantrum ,I paint a picture infront of them like I hate him

Bur except God and me ,no one knows that I love this man from my eighteenth birthday and iam one sidely loving him for  seven years  indeed my is unrequited love , and no one knows about that.

I know he  cares for me after our marriage ,he respects me and likes me  but love is impossible from his side  .

Ilike him  and i love him but I can't express it ,I have many barriers ,I want to express my love towards him ,I want o hug him ,I want to be friendly toward him but I can't do that.

Even he isn't aware of my Love. I slowly walks towards the cradle. I see my babies sleeping peacefully I kiss them on their forehand.

I sat up on my bed, my tears fell non-stop. I think about everything in my life. I want to be a soft and calm girl but my situation makes me the angry and stubborn girl. I tried my very best to change my behaviors and Tame my anger  and atlast I tamed it

But there comes Francis , whose entry pushed me to act as  my old self.  He is the reason for every problems but I still respect him ,I respect him for one and only reason.

I wipe my tears and take a resolution that I will change this situation and mend this broken relationships . I will change the hearts of REGRET INTO  LOVE . And I will do that


Aurora falls asleep oblivious to the fact that the pairs of eyes is keenly watching her each and every emotion and words.

His lips turn into the beautiful smile and he fall asleep with the content of getting answer  for his every questions.

Climate outside is very cold but the room is enriched with warmness , corner of the bedsheets slowly dance by the air of heater.  Serenely the night passes with the  smile of  the lightening and the applause of the thunder.

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