Meeting an Actor

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"Eh? You want to bring them out on a walk in this cold weather?" 

I looked at Usaida with uncertainty after he suggested that we take the children out for a walk. It's still the cold winter season but it isn't snowing outside. 

"Come on Yuna. What harm can it be. We have our little cart remember?" Usaida said 

"I want to go outside Yuna-chan!!" Taka shouted

"Outside! Outside!" Takuma cheered with his cute smile

"I want to go..." Kazuma added. 

"Can we please go Yuna-neechama?" Kirin asked as well. 

I looked at Kotaro and he nodded his head too along with Midori who chimed in. I ended up giving into their demands and helped each child put on their winter jackets as Usaida took out the pink wagon. 

With Midori hoisted on Usaida's back, I settled the kids into the wagon and began pushing the cart and outside of the academy. 

"Usaida it's cold." I said to my colleague. 

"It's fine. The kids need a walk anyways." He responded. 

I looked down and watched each kid look around with a smile on their faces. I guess they do needed a walk. 

"Nee-chan" Kotaro suddenly spoke. My attention turned to my adopted baby brother and watched him point towards the open field, where my male classmates all stood around in their gym uniform. They all looked like they were freezing, considering they're all standing in shorts.....

I could also see Ryuuichi and Hayato standing there too. 

"You see your brother Kotaro?" I asked him. 

Kotaro nod his head. "Nii-chan!" 

I smiled at the boy and took it as a sign of, I want to see Nii-chan!

"Eh? Why don't we go and bring the kids over to Ryu-chan then." Usaida said, knowing he read Kotaro's mind as well. 

With that, we all mad our way towards the gym field entrance as Usaida called out to Ryuuichi. 


"It's Ryu!" Taka shouted

"Ryuuu!" Takuma said cheerfully. 

All the kids were excited to see Ryuuichi once we got to the field. I could see all the boys eyes on us as I couldn't help but to slightly blush in embarrassment. Even Hayato was staring at me too which made things feel more embarrassing. 

I knew all my male classmates were out here for gym class while all the girls were indoors. But I managed to excuse myself from class for the day due to being on my monthly cycle and did not want to participate in any physical activity. So I decided to just hang around the Babysitters Club instead. 

"Usaida-san? Yuna?...and the kids! What are you all doing out here?" Ryuuichi asked, confused to see all of us. 

Usaida put his arm on my shoulder, using me as an arm rest. "Taking the kids out for a walk."

"Let us out already!" Taka demanded

"Please us us out Yuna-neechama!" Kirin asked

"Huh? What? Uh...I don't think it's a good idea you kids..." I said quietly. 

"Don't worry about it Yuna." Usaida said as he opened the wagon and released the kids like they were animals. 

They all ran out in joy and huddled around Ryuuichi while I face palmed. I approached my brother with an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry Ryuuichi, Hayato. I know you guys have class." 

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