Yuna's Fever

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Luckily it was the weekend but ever since we helped Kousuke-san rekindle his relationship with his sons, I've been running a really bad cold or even a slight fever. 

"Honestly, I can't believe you stupidly went outside without a jacket on." Grandma lectured me as she lightly hit me with her cane. 


I grabbed a tissue and blew all the disgusting snot out of my nose. "Sorry Grandma. I know it was reckless of me...." I spoke with my voice all croaky. It felt like I had a frog in my throat. 

"I'm sorry you're sick Yuna..." Ryuuichi said as he held Kotaro in his arms. 

"Yu-a..." Kotaro tried to say my name as I gave the baby a warm smile. He's so cute....

"I shall prepare some warm soup for you Lady Yuna." Saikawa said as he bowed and left my bedroom. 

"I-Is there anything we can do for you Yuna?" Ryuuichi asked as he and Kotaro looked at me with determination in their eyes. 

"I-I'm okay...I just need some rest." I tried to speak but my throat was bothering me. 

"A PATIENT LIKE YOU SHOULD NOT BE SPEAKING!" Grandma yelled which caused me to jump slightly. 


"Now! For the time being, no one is allowed in here unless its to bring you medicine or food! We don't want anyone else to get sick." Grandma said as dragged my adopted siblings out of the bedroom and shut the door. 

I was now left alone in my own bedroom. Letting out a defeated sigh, I took out my cellphone and noticed I had some text messages from numerous people. Jeez...guess I should respond to them...

Inomata: Yuna, I heard you're sick. Are you okay?  Is there something I can do for you? Not that I care or anything....

I started laughing at Inomata's tsundere personality. I should make an effort to hangout with her more when I get the chance. 

Yu-Na: I'm fine! Just resting since its the weekend. I should be fine once we get back to school. Wouldn't want the start of the new semester being sick. That won't be fun >_<.

Yup, after this weekend it will be the start of the new school semester meaning it's also going to be club fair season. That reminds me, I need to finish working on the Babysitter Club poster. 

*Bzzt* *Bzzt*

I noticed my phone vibrating and saw that Inomata responded;

Inomata: Okay feel better! See you at school then!

I then checked my next message and saw it was none other than Yagi Tomoya;

Yagi: Hello Ms. Yuna <3. Can I stop by the Babysitters Club on Monday? I promise you it's nothing suspicious.

If I had the energy, I'd slap my forehead but it would be mean of me to deny his request since I know Yagi has no ill intention with the children. 

Yu-Na: Hi Yagi. I guess you can come visit briefly. I'm actually pretty sick right now so if I'm not in school on Monday, I'll have Usaida or my brother keep an eye on you >:|

Not even a minute later, Yagi immediately responded....

Yagi: Wha!? You're sick!? Oh no! Is Kotaro okay!? Is he sick too?  Can I come over and visit Kotaro!? Would you like me to ask Chuukichi to come too? I'm sure he'll be glad to see you! 

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