Chapter 2

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I act like I don't notice him approaching me and anxiously look at the book in my hands.

"Hi" he says

I look up at him and meet his eyes. They're a warm deep shade of brown.

"Hi" I shyly respond

He looks down at the book in my hands and asks

"You like Stefan Mas?"

"Of course, his writing is brilliant. I've been looking for this book for months." I blurt out maybe too excitedly.

The corners of his lips rise just a little and he meets my eyes again.

"I've never met someone else that knows of him. He's my favorite author." He says

"He's in my top three favorites for sure" I reply

"I just read the first 10 chapters. I was so pulled into his story that I couldn't find it in myself to put it down"

"Why don't you buy it then, there's only one left I don't want to take it." I held the book up towards him, offering.

"Oh no, I have one coming in the mail soon I just couldn't stop myself from starting early" he grins and pushes the book back towards me.

I stand there awkwardly not sure how to respond. I'm not the best at conversations, especially with cute mystery boys.

"Thanks" I finally say

He smiles then softly says "of course"

I tilt my head down with a nod and turn around to leave, escape this awkward moment. I turn the corner and start my search for Neveah. She's not hard to find since she's always in the same two sections.

"I found it!" I say when I see her.

"Yay! I found a book for me too!" She exclaims as she turns her book around to show me.

We purchase our books and head towards our cars.

"What next?" She asks

"Hm, I could use some new shoes. Want to go to the mall?"

"When have I ever said no to the mall?" She laughs

"That's true. Do you want to ride together?"

"Yes, ride with me and you can play the music"

I give her a look of satisfaction and go around the car to get in. I play some new songs I've recently found and she drives through the heavy city traffic. We arrive at the mall and she parks her car towards the front, she's always lucky when it comes to good parking spaces, I always get stuck having to park far away.

We walk in and head towards my go-to shoe store.

"What kind of shoes are you looking for?" she asks

"My gym shoes are falling apart, I want to get new ones that are more comfortable."

She nods her head and helps me find some options. She's always good at shopping, it's like her talent.

"Here, these are perfect for you. They're your color and super comfortable to work out in" she says as she passes me a shoe box.

"Nev these are so cute..." I say as I examine the shoes and search for the price tag. "...and expensive" I add

"That's why I'm buying them for you!" She responds.

"Absolutely not"

"Come on, they're my 'sorry about the breakup but new shoes always fix a broken heart' gift!" She laughs

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