Chapter 6

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I try to focus on my 5 senses to keep me grounded.






Sight. I see a white waiting room. The chairs old and torn. The TV broadcasting the morning news.

Touch. I feel my fingernails digging into the palm of my hands.

Taste. I taste blood in my mouth from biting the insides of my cheeks so violently.

Smell. The waiting room smells like cheap cleaning products and air fresheners that are due for an update.

Sound. I hear the receptionists chatting. I hear the woman across the room weeping for someone she's here with.

I watch the hand on the clock spin around counting each second. I watch as the sky shows off vibrant colors only seen in early mornings. I listen for the door that swings open calling people back, or releasing others to go.

I imagine what my mom is feeling right now. What are her 5 senses filled with?

The wait is agonizing. I need to see her.

Just like that I hear soft footsteps approaching me, I look up and see a Dr. reaching his hand out for me. I take it and shake it gently.

"Are you here with Ms. Morgan?" he asks

"I'm her daughter. Please, how is she? Is she alright?" I look into his eyes looking for the answers not patient enough for him to use his mouth.

"She's stable, but she will need to stay overnight. We're going to run a few more tests on her... depending on what the issue comes out to be, she may need to stay here longer."

I look away, fighting the burning sensation to let tears fall from my eyes.

"Is there anyone you can call? A husband, boyfriend, grandpar-"

"It's just us." I tell him

"Do you have a friend to call? Someone to pick you up? You can come back during visiting hours tomorrow, but you both need to rest for now."

I don't meet his eyes, but instead lightly nod my head.

He gives me the information I'll need to visit during approved hours and he heads back behind the door.

I sit back down and put my head in my hands. A brutal cry escapes from me, Im not able to hold it in. I cry for my mother and I cry for myself. We would be so lost without each other, yet I know my time left with her is so limited.

My heart rips to shreds inside my quivering chest.

My phone is sitting on the chair beside me, I pick it up and try to wipe the tears away enough to see the screen. It's not new to me to know that I have no one to call. My dads side is as good as dead, when he passed away they wanted nothing to do with my mom, or myself. Her parents both died when she was young. She has no boyfriend. No boss. No best friend. No sibling. I tremble in my chair not knowing who to reach out to.

I know Nevaeh is sleeping and her parents too. I guess there's no harm in trying so so step outside and sit on a bench beside the sliding electric doors.

The phone rings for a solid minute before I get send to Nevaehs voicemail. This makes me cry more. I really don't have anyone else. This is what I get for being an introvert all my life. Out of desperation, I decide to call Dawson. Maybe he's with Nevaeh. The phone rings and then I get sent to voicemail. With each passing minute I feel more and more alone. I scroll through my very limited contacts and try to see who I could call next.

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