Chapter 7

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The morning was spent with me in my moms hospital bed basically refusing to be apart from her. She had me so scared and I can focus on nothing other than how grateful I am that she's okay.

The Dr. had explained to me why her levels and rates dropped so rapidly and what to do to prevent it going forward. I took mental notes and even did some of my own research while mom rested. The hospital had some food in the cafeteria that I paid for and brought up for us to share. She wouldn't eat much, but she did at least drink enough water. We were told that she would need to stay overnight again just so they can monitor her and make sure she is truly okay before sending her home. I understood and hugged her tightly before leaving. I stayed the entire time they allowed visitors and was okay with going home now that I knew she would be fine. I needed to shower and focus on getting my job back. I end up having enough money for an Uber, so I book a ride and spend the drive processing everything.

I arrive home and take a quick hot shower. I linger a little longer than usual, the warm water feeling nice on my skin. I wash my face last and turn the water off. I swing my blue silk robe over my body and sit down on my bed. I'm trying my best to not hyperfixate on the fact I got fired this morning and all of the ways I will need to beg them to take me back. I pull out my phone and call Nev. She tried to call me several times, but I haven't been on my phone much. Maybe she will have some advice, if not, I know she'll be more than happy to hear about my stay at mystery boys house.

The phone rings for only a moment.

"Elise! I missed your call and haven't heard back from you. I was getting so worried!"

I catch her up on everything about my mom, but make sure to tell her that she will be okay. Nev is a sensitive person so I'm not the least bit surprised when I hear her cry on the other end. However, she snaps right out of it when I ask her if she wants to know who I stayed with last night.

"Who!? Oh my gosh, who?!" She spazzes.

"Well, you wouldn't pick up and I had no way of getting back home. The only other person I had in my contacts was mystery boy." I confess and hear a loud shriek coming from her.

I caught her up on all of the little details. His name, how we bumped into each other earlier in the day, our conversation, him picking me up, letting me stay in his room, waking me up with breakfast and driving me back to the hospital. She giggled the whole time and teased me about how I have a crush on him. Truth is, I don't know him well enough and to add on to that I have way too much going on to even think about crushes. I remember now the main reason I needed to talk to her.

"Nev", I take a deep sigh and continue, "I got fired today."

"What?!" She sounds angry.

"I was supposed to switch shifts with someone and forgot all about it. I tried to tell my boss what was going on with my mom, but she wouldn't listen." The realization makes me sob. "Nevaeh, without my job my mom and I will lose everything."

She stays quiet for a moment and lets me feel my emotions without interruption.

"Listen to me, you know neither I, nor my parents will ever let that happen to you." She starts. I know she means it; her parents considered me as their own and they adored my mom immensely. "Let me talk to them, maybe they will know what to say to your boss to hire you back, or maybe they know someone hiring. I got you aways, El."

I thanked her and let her go so she could chat with her parents. I take this time to rid the tears from my face and put on some pajamas. When I didn't hear back from her I took it upon myself to call my work again.

The phone rings for a while, but eventually a host picks up.

"Thank you for calling TJ's Grill, this is Amanda speaking. How may I help you?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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