Chapter 3

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I slowly open my eyes rolling over in my bed.

"Elise?" My mom repeats as she walks into my room.

"What?" I ask with annoyance. I'm not a morning person. She knows this so she doesn't take it to heart.

"Don't you have work today?"

I grunt and sleepily lift up my phone. It reads 11:14am. I set my phone back down and rub my eyes.

"No, I got it covered. Neveah wants me to go to some party with her tonight." I tell her.

"A party?" She asks abruptly, "El.. this is the third time this week you've missed work." she says annoyed.

"Mom, it's one more shift. I think I'll be fine." I respond with equal annoyance. After all I'm only 19, I should be able to do normal teenager things. It's not like me to call out of work, but I've lost motivation after the breakup and I just want to take some time off. I know she is just concerned, especially because I'm half responsible for the bills to get paid.

"I just don't want you to get into the habit of-"

"I won't." I interrupt, knowing this will lead to her giving me a lecture if I don't stop her now.

"It's just one more shift. I'll pick up more shifts to make up for it, now can I please sleep in a little more?" I ask.

She glares at me for a moment, turns around and exits. I set my alarm to go off in an hour, letting myself sleep in a little bit knowing tonight will most likely be a long one. I roll back over and fall asleep.

My alarm goes off and I race to turn it off. I picked the most annoying option they provide since I have a horrible habit of sleeping through them. I get up and walk over to my mirror taking myself in. I want to shower again before Neveah gets here, do some laundry, clean a little and pack an overnight bag, assuming that I will most likely crash at her house.

I start by gathering my dirty clothes and putting them in the washer. I let them wash while I clean my room a little. Next I hop in the shower just to wake myself up and wash my hair. I get out and put on a tube top and shorts. I pack an overnight back and set out the dress Neveah bought me. My stomach growls and I realize I haven't eaten yet so I head to the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal. The washer dings ask I switch over my clothes for them to dry.

"Be careful tonight please" I hear my mom saying behind me.

"I will, I don't even plan on drinking." I assure her.

"If anything happens please just Uber home. Share your location with me so I can feel better."

"Already done" I smile. I love my relationship with my mom, she's more like my best friend. We butt heads then we carry on like nothings happened. We're both alike in a way that we keep to ourselves and respect eachothers privacy and I truly appreciate that.

"When will you be home?" She asks

"I'm not sure, I'll probably stay over at Nevs house."

She doesn't look satisfied with that answer but just nods and says "Okay, you guys stick together and be safe."

I go back into my room and check my phone. It's 3:00pm leaving me with an hour and a half to kill before Neveah shows up to get me. I use this time to read my new book. Before I know it I'm getting a call from Nev.

"Hey" I say as I answer

"I'm here! Should I come in?" She asks

"No it's okay, mom is taking a nap. I'm coming"

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