Chapter 5

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I'm the first to wake up. I roll over and look at Nevaeh who is very much so out like a light. Her golden hair lay across her white silk pillows. I don't drink often, but when I do I always end up with an upset stomach so I climb out of bed and go downstairs for some water.

As I enter the kitchen I see Jennette preparing breakfast.

"Good morning." I say mid yawn.

She turns around and smiles, "good morning"

I grab a glass and pour some water into it before I chug it down.

"Someone's thirsty." I hear Nevaehs dad joke from the table behind me.

"Good morning to you too." I tease

They've always treated me like family so it's not hard to feel comfortable here.

"Are you girls hungry?" Jennette asks

"I'll go wake Nev up and see how she's feeling" I answer

"Nevaeh" I sing while opening the blinds to her oversized window overlooking her moms garden and acres of land.

She grunts and pulls the sheets over her head.

"Nevaeh" I sing again sitting beside her now.

"Your mom made breakfast" I add

She slowly pulls the sheet down to show only her eyes

"Breakfast?" She mumbles

I nod, "want some?"

"Yes" she says, but doesn't move.

"Come on"

She grunts and rolls over, "not right now" she cries

"Yes right now" I roll my eyes and let out a soft laugh. "Come on" I say again

We eat and chat with her parents for a while, but I ask Nevaeh to take me home around noon.

"Mom?" I ask as I enter my dark house. No lights are on and no sign of my mom. I go to bedroom and knock, "mom?"

No answer.

I peak inside and see her still asleep on the bed. I know she's been sleeping a lot more lately, but it's still strange to see her sleep in this late. She's usually up and doing something by 9am.

I softly close the door and go to my room. I don't have work til tomorrow afternoon so I use my remaining free time to read my book.

After about 3 hours of nonstop reading I finish my book. Mystery boy wasn't wrong, this book sucks you in. I hadn't even noticed the time go by. I sit back and process that ending, not knowing what to do with my life now.

I look at my phone— 3:40pm.

I search the bookstore to see how late they stay open— 10:00pm.

The first thing I do is text Nevaeh and ask her if she'd like to join.

"I'm too tired today" she answers

So I get up and get dressed, I'll just go alone. I like going to the bookstore alone anyway.

I slide on a long vintage skirt I thrifted, a black crop top that's well fitted and ties behind my neck, some black platforms and white socks, I layer my favorite necklaces and put in my gold earrings. The next thing I do is put my hair up into a claw clip, it's messy but contains the frizz from the curls from the night before. I look into my mirror and put on a little bit of makeup, just to make me look not dead. I brush my eyebrows, coat some mascara onto my eyelashes, dab blush onto my cheeks and apply some lipgloss. After grabbing my tote bag and phone I head into the kitchen. The lights still off.

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