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"You did great okay?! You'll get that email" I told myself, staring into the mirror.

As I drove, my phone beeped "I knew I'd..oh" it was just a message from mom.

'Honey are you okay?'

I looked at the message for a moment, then quickly replied, "I'm fine" Placing the phone back down, I took a deep breath and continued driving. I haven't spoken to anyone but Morgan since the incident and I intend to keep it that way since she's the only one I can trust.

As I walked into the apartment, Morgan greeted me with a loud and excited, 'Did you get it?!' squeezing my shoulders tightly.

"If you want to walk around naked don't greet me at the door. What if someone walked past us?" I asked her.

"Who cares? I'm sure they love the view" she giggled taking a sip of her champagne.

"So how'd it go?" my heart sank at the question. I hadn't heard back from the school yet, and I was starting to get worried. I sighed and shook my head.

'Not yet. But hopefully I'll hear back before the end of the day.'

Morgan hugged me and said, 'Don't worry, I know you'll get it. You're perfect for the job.'

I collapsed on the couch with a heavy sigh. I envied her confidence and wished I could feel the same way about my own future.

'How was the casting?' I asked, trying to distract myself from my worries.

'I don't know. You're just looking at StarGaze Agency's upcoming top model" she replied, twirling around in front of me.

My eyes widened in shock. 'What?! That's amazing! How did it happen?'

She giggled and said, 'I don't know, on my way to the casting venue, I got scouted by Felix Girard. Talk about being at the right place at the right time.'

I couldn't help but feel a little envious, but I was genuinely happy for her. 'Well, let's celebrate then!' I said, getting up to go to the kitchen. 'I'll get my glass for the champagne.'

'I'm afraid not, Ky.' she said

I looked at her in confusion. 'Why not?'

'I met another guy on Cupid and he'll be here soon' she said, quickly organizing the living room and putting on some music.

"Another dating app? Why not just date already instead of random hookups?" I asked putting the glass down.

Morgan shrugged, scrolling through her phone. 'I don't know, I just like the thrill of it. Plus, it's easier than actually putting myself out there and getting hurt.'

'Seriously?' I scoffed.

'If Jerome could do what he did to you, who am I to date?' Morgan laughed at the inside joke and nudged me playfully.

'Haha very funny .' I said sarcastically

I let out a deep sigh, 'I'll go to my room but try to be quiet this time, okay?'

"Can't promise you that" Morgan grinned sheepishly.

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