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He walked back to his car, looking through the dashboard. He retrieved a piece of paper and a pen, hastily scribbling his name and phone number. He stepped out of the car and made his way back to Kylie.

Man: "Here. Call me. I'll take care of it. I promise." he said softly handing her the paper.

Kylie, still fuming, reluctantly took the paper from him. She eyed him skeptically as he continued to express his regret.

"FUCK YOU!" she screamed sticking her two middle fingers out to him as she walked back to her car.

She pulled her Honda Civic to a stop, hurriedly put on her heels and entered the school building. The halls were wide and filled with students in uniforms, bustling between classes. The school was strict about who could attend and who could teach there. She felt lucky to have been hired, knowing it was rare for someone like her to get such an opportunity because Eastside never hired newbies.

Lost in her thoughts, she walked down the hallway, not paying attention to where she was going. Suddenly, she bumped into someone, making her stumble back. She quickly looked up, her eyes widening in shock.

It was Principal Griffin. He was about 6'0' tall with a lean build. He has a stern look in his piercing blue eyes and a head full of black and grey hair that he keeps neatly combed back. She could feel her heart racing as she realized she had just collided with the most important person in the school.

'Principal Griffin, I am so sorry, sir,' she said, quickly dusting off his suit.

'Get your filthy hands off me!,' he commanded, causing her to step back in fear.

'Jones, what time is it?' he asked his assistant, who had appeared beside him.

'8:40, sir,' Jones responded, looking at Kylie with a disapproving gaze.

Principal Griffin's eyes traveled down her appearance, taking in her disheveled hair and outfit.

'Almost an hour late on your first day, not a good impression Morrow,' he said, his words cutting like a knife. "Morrow?" she repeated. "No, it's Monroe." she corrected. His frown deepened, a flicker of annoyance flashing in his eyes. "Or... you could call me Morrow. It's fine." she said forcing a weak smile and not wanting to make him angrier.

'Follow me,' he said, turning and walking towards a classroom.

Kylie trailed behind him and Jones, her heart pounding in her chest. They entered a classroom full of children, who all stood up as soon as the principal walked in.

'Good morning, Principal Griffin,' they echoed in unison.

'Good morning, Principal Griffin,'  Ms. Bell, greeted with a smile.

'Good morning, have a seat,' Principal Griffin said, gesturing for the students to sit down.

Kylie's eyes widened as she realized that she was in charge of this classroom. She couldn't believe it, she was finally a teacher. But her thoughts were interrupted by the principal's stern voice.

'Students, I have an important announcement to make. Today, we have a new teacher joining our school. Miss Morrow will be your new literature teacher henceforth,' he announced, pointing at Kylie. "It's Monroe" she said to herself, quietly. As the children cheered and welcomed her, Kylie couldn't help but feel relieved and grateful for their warm reception.

Principal Griffin turned to Ms. Bell. 'Would you mind showing Monroe around during lunch?' he asked. At least he got it right this time.

'But sir, we have a meeting during lunchtime,' Jones chimed in.

'In that case...,' Principal Griffin scanned the children's faces. 'Abella, would you be a darling and show your new teacher around after class?'

'Yes, Principal Griffin,' Abella answered with a smile.

Ms. Bell patted Kylie on the shoulder, 'He's a nice man, just try not to get on his bad side,' she said before leaving her to the class.


Morgan searched through her closet frantically. She pulled out every piece of clothing, hoping to find it hidden behind something else, but it was nowhere to be found. With a sigh, she returned to James, who was sitting at the kitchen table sipping a cup of coffee.

'I could have sworn that shirt was here,' she said, frustration evident in her tone.

James raised an eyebrow at her. 'What shirt?'

'The one with long sleeves, blue with a bird brooch,' Morgan replied.

James took another sip of his coffee before answering. 'I saw your roommate come in earlier. She took it.'

'KYLIEEEEE!!!' Morgan yelled, her voice echoing through the apartment.

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