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The morning sun streamed through Kylie's bedroom window, casting a hazy glow on the curtains. She stretched, feeling the cool sheets. Outside, birds were singing softly.

Panicking, she checked her phone and discovered an email from Andrea: she had been offered the job and needed to be at school before 8 am. She looked at the clock, it was 7:51 already. With the clock ticking, she jumped out of bed, and sprinted into the bathroom.

"I can't afford to be late on my first day" she said to herself. She reached for her purse and grabbed her foundation. All attempts to open it were futile. She pulled it open with force and the foundation was all over her face and shirt.

"No, no,no,no,no!!!" she screamed. She ran to her closet, searching for a new outfit.

"I could have sworn I had more clothes in here. Where did they all go?!" she said, confused.
She looked at the corner of her room, the laundry bin full to the brim of the clothes she was looking for.

"Shit! What am I going to do now?" she questioned. She paced back and forth thinking of what to do. An idea so sinister came to mind. She thought of going to Morgan's room to "borrow" some of her clothes. One thing Morgan hated the most was people taking her stuff, especially without asking but this was an emergency right?

She opened the door slowly, peaking out with her eyes. Morgan's room was across from hers, near the kitchen. The living room was a huge mess; clothes scattered on the floor with empty whisky bottles and plates on the stool, an ashtray with cigarette butts sat on the coffee table.

She slid through the slightly open door. The air, heavy with scents of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes wafted into her nose which was making her want to gag. She covered her mouth with both hands and made it to her closet. She rummaged through the clothes and picked the first outfit her fingers touched and was on her way out when she heard a soft groan from the bed, his eyes staring at her in confusion.

She mouthed the words "I was never here" and ran out of the room. She hurried to her car and drove off, hoping she could make it in time.

But luck was not on her side today. As she drove down the busy streets, she found herself stuck in traffic, inching along painfully slow. She was already fifteen minutes late and there was no way she was going to make it on time.

"Getting fired on my first day, my life is over" she sighed hitting her head repeatedly on the steering wheel.

Suddenly, a jolt rocked her car. "Just great!" she exclaimed, frustration bubbling as she checked her rear view mirror to see a man coming out of the car behind her.

He stood about five ten or eleven, with an athletic build. His thick, jet black hair that was neatly styled. His face was handsome, with a strong jawline and a long stubble beard. His dark brown eyes were intense and framed by well-shaped eyebrows. His high cheekbones made his face look sharp. He had a straight nose and full lips. He's what you would call sexy fierce.

Kylie: "Look at this scratch on my car! Are you kidding me?" she exclaimed, her voice shaking with anger.

Man: "I wasn't looking, I'm so sorry" he apologized.

In a fit of rage, Kylie slapped the man, leaving a red mark on his cheek. He winced, holding his face, his eyes wide with shock.

Man: "I understand you're upset but you didn't have to hit me!" He screamed. It caught people's attention as they began to face their direction and soon all eyes were on him.

A/N: Thanks for reading today's chapter! What would you do if you were the man in this situation🤔? tell me in the comments. Don't forget to vote and share too.

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