The Slaughtering

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Disclaimer:I don't own Invader Zim in any capacity.

Disclaimer Two:If rats IRL looked like these rats a lot more people would fear rats.

Then again the number of people who are afraid of rats is high.

Off To A Terrible Start.

We last off with Dib and everybody else landing on the planet Blorch. They had exited the ship and had gone a good five minutes before things went south.

To be honest at this point are we even shocked by that. So many things go wrong on a daily basis that if something didn't go wrong then that'd be confusing.

They had split up as intended leaving Rolga with Dib and Qoiat. As they were walking Rolga made sure to remind them of the task at hand.

She was basically acting like a babysitter to Dib and Qoiat. Believe me they ain't disobeying you or Parqa. They kinda have a bomb strapped to their chest.

"The both of you better be looking around for signs of Tak. "Search every nook and cranny for that witch. Qoiat was looking around but Dib wasn't.

Not because he didn't want to it's because he kept thinking about his family. He didn't trust Parqa alone with Gaz and Professor Membrane.

That's understandable I wouldn't trust him with my family either. He tends to like beating people up and not holding back while doing it.

Do you think he cares about hurting children? Well if he did he clearly isn't doing a good job at showing it. Eh Dib's been through worse.

"Have you found anything yet? Dib said sounding really depressed. "No not yet. "Well hopefully we can find something. "The sooner this ends the better.

"Something wrong Dib? "Yes. "Where do you want me to start? "My family is being supervised by a bully with ice powers. "We all have BOMBS STRAPPED TO US!

Dib began to lose his cool and was about to mention Zim but chose to stop himself. "Then I have to deal with being haunted

"By what? "Uh it's uh very personal. "But you were about to shout it out loud in a fit of rage. "I know but people act differently when they are angry.

"And I am just you know acting out. "Like most people when they act out in anger. "Alright whatever you say. They continued to search through a remote area on the planet.

"Say is there even a reason why we're searching in the middle of nowhere? Qoiat asked Rolga in hopes that she wouldn't give a vague answer.

However she actually decided to be nice and give him what he wanted. "Tak like most irkens are master tacticians. "They know how to stay hidden everywhere they go.

"They also have the power to do the opposite. "And Tak is like the first. "She is also very intelligent. "She wouldn't be hiding somewhere that people would expect her to be at.

"Doing so would make her vulnerable. "That's why she would want to hide somewhere remote. "You really think Tak is hiding in the filthiest and most unsafe part of the planet?

"Nobody would expect an irken to do that unless they had some ulterior motive. "And just so we're clear when we find Tak I am the one who gets to kill her.

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