Chapter 8

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Today started off miserably , my heart and head still filled with my mate's rejection. I did not want to face her , and my wolf had been whimpering in the corner of my mind, licking our wounds. But then she caught up to me today , that's when it hit me, her scent had changed, she smelled like jasmine and chocolate, everything about her seemed to be inhuman. She was perfect, that had gotten my wolf excited, "no shield!!!" he howled in my head , that made me have second thoughts , she removed the necklace that meant she was safe I could track her and she had in fact listened to me. But to be sure I asked her anyway, she nodded. I was glad that one problem was out of the way, now the hard part came. I had to tell her the truth about everything.

But before that I had to make a good impression on her friends , that way I can keep her safe. So I did the only thing that could make this easier, I took her out for a run and came to a cave I had seen during my journey here. She seemed to like it , it made me and my wolf relaxed. This area belonged to a sanctuary and forest rangers protected it; this meant we could have some peace.

We climbed to the cave and relaxed ourselves, "Are you ready?" I whispered , she nodded, getting more comfortable and watching me with her beautiful grey eyes. My heart suddenly felt heavy and all the pain and loss that had made me numb before poured out , I told her everything. About my parents and our community and how I thought I would never have a mate and then found out the truth about her. I told her about the dangers that awaited us and how I fear everything for her parents. My eyes were filled with hot angry tears that kept on filling. By the time I ended talking to look up at my mate she stared at me for a minute then her beautiful face crumpled tears leaking out of her eyes, my wolf whimpered at her pain. "Oh , Wolfe!" She threw her arms around me and held me tightly as I continued to sob into her shoulder. 


Oh god how could someone go through all this pain, I felt horrible for Nathaniel. I knew everything now and so many things that happened in my past made sense. How I was different from everyone, how I looked nothing like my parents and even the connection with Nathaniel has with me. We were soul mates, according to Nathaniel we shared a soul. A normal person would have laughed at Nathaniel but I believed him because somehow something inside me knew that I had to wait for him. That is why I had no reaction to anyone before him.

And my parents decided it did not matter, they looked after me for so long so I would not abandon them but that did not mean that they did not love me. Maybe there was a different reason they put the necklace on me, Nathaniel said so himself. Nathaniel was still sobbing into my neck, even though my shoulder was wet in tears I did not care, I held letting him easeout of his pain. Finally when we were both exhausted out of the pain we just laid next to each other and listened to the soft noises in the forest. 


Nathaniel finally lifted his head from my shoulder and gave me a relieved smile. "Thank you for listening to me, and not leaving us behind I want you to know that I didn't just come to find you because, you can help all of us but also because you are my soul mate" his cheeks filled with colour, I smiled "I believe you Wolfe , you are mine and I am yours forever." I whispered, holding him tightly to me. The sun was starting to set , and I knew my parents would be worried if I got late to come home, "Nat, we have to go home." I whispered, running my fingers through his dark locks of hair. He let out a growl in protest but then rose up with me, "I'll see you after the moon rises princess." he sighed then , brushing a strand of hair that had come loose from my ponytail he took my hand as we silently walked to my house . My house was bright with the night lights , "your parents are waiting inside. I think they are worried." Nathaniel's forehead wrinkled in worry, "um, I'll think of something to say to them," I smiled to assure him. I gave him a hug and was about to run off home before he caught my hand, "your necklace, I am really sorry but I don't trust your parents my princess, in case something happens run straight into the forest okay? If they are not wolves then you can have a head start, I'll be patrolling around here." his lips brushed my forehead, "run along now , before my wolf decides to kidnap you," he growled playfully. Giggling, I grabbed my bag and ran home. 

My parents seemed to notice my good mood and late arrival, "hello sweetie , you look very happy and you are late?" my mom whispered with a well knowing giggle. Dad however looked stern, "is there anything you have to tell us about?" At first I wondered if Nathaniel's suspicions were right. "I want to know the truth and no more lies okay?" now they looked at each other with worried glances. "Please?" I urged.

Finally my dad sighed, "yes, there is something that we have to tell you about, seventeen years ago we were leaving the hospital after our real baby was still born." There was so much pain and longing in his voice and I noticed how my mom's eyes were glassy. "But also the doctors told us we do not have the ability to have anymore babies. We were devastated." I clenched my hands together and my nails dug into my palms painfully. "We were giving up hope , your mom was really upset and things were falling apart, but then a week later there was a knock on our door . We opened to see an inhumanly beautiful lady carrying a basket standing outside. It was heavily raining so we invited her in. We didn't know what was in the basket because it was very quiet." my father looked at me as if he was wondering how I was taking all this information. I just nodded at him to carry on. "After having some dinner with the young women we talked , for some reason she made us feel very safe , that we opened up to her telling her our troubles'', "then when it was time to go she smiled sadly and asked, "well, I see you wish for a child, if you get one now will you protect the child with your life?", this wasn't something we expected." my mom hiccupped, "it was a second chance , a miracle so we agreed. The woman seemed to love you so much, her eyes were filled with tears. Then she took a necklace with a carving with a wolf and put it around your neck, she said, "this is for additional protection , never take it off until the protector comes' ', so we didn't' '. My mom reached out to take my hands in her, rubbing my clenched fists. 

"Just because we adopted you , it doesn't mean that we don't love you. You brought back life to us and cured the pain we were in. we always love you honey." when my mom said those words I could not hold out my sobs , I threw my arms around them and held them while I cried. Then I told them about my Wolfe , and his side of the story. Now that I think about it , I believe the protector my real mother told my parents about was Nathaniel. So I told my parents about him, " would you like to meet him?" I could feel excitement bubbling inside me. They slowly nodded , "maybe you should ask him for dinner tomorrow".

After that long conversation, I was bone deep tired and part of me wanted to cry. I couldn't keep up the happy façade in front of my parents any longer, so I excused myself and went to my room and locked the door. Finally after I sank into the warm water of the bathtub , the first tears started to run down my cheeks. My silent sobs racked through my body , I cried until I was exhausted. Finally I managed to drag myself off to bed after changing to a soft PJ set. 

If I tell you how pathetic my life is , after all the drama I could not sleep. Nightmares started to come , I heard screams and smoke surrounded me. I was all alone in a land that was filled with endless piles of bodies , blood coated the land and me. I was crying , there was a woman lying on the floor. Something about her was very familiar , but I could not put my finger on it. Finally I woke up panting , I realised that what I saw was not just a dream but a vision. "Nathaniel," I had to meet him and tell him about my vision. Then my sensitive ears picked out a soft growl, he was here.

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