Chapter 11

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I did not know what was happening , I was surrounded by darkness , and locked in some sort of cage. Every time my skin touched the bars , it burnt my skin. Already blisters were appearing in several places where the skin brushed against the cage it burned and huge angry red gashes were starting to appear. The pain was unbearable, sweat was dripping down my whole body soaking my clothes even with my inhuman strength I knew I could not break out of it. The last thing I remembered was getting hot by some dart, it made me faint. Were my friends alright? What about my mate, just thinking about him made me conjure up his beautiful blazing green eyes. I really hoped they got away.  

The ride was very bumpy , when we finally stopped I laid down, the silver had drained off my energy so it was best to pretend to be unconscious while they did whatever they planned , that way I can get more information and find out how to get out of here. The doors opened, there were lights on from the huge building hidden deep inside the forest away from human civilization, what on earth was this place? Then two bulking men appeared in front of my cage, "was this the little trouble who is going to stand against our boss?" one of them laughed as he hoisted the cage and dumped it on the floor , it jerked brushing against my already burnt skin, damaging it further. I hissed in pain , "that gotta hurt girl, but don't worry our boss has a special place for ya." They laughed at my misery, my wolf was so close to the surface that I could not speak, instead it snarled at them, "got some fire in you, will be gone by the time boss finishes with you." They carried me through the corridor and through somewhere which looked like laboratories that were on either side of it. Straight into a large white room, I whimpered and squirmed as they hoisted me up and strapped me to the observation table. The silver chains were not helping my already drained energy , I struggled and growled but nothing helped me get free. 

I was scared , I missed the sense of safety Nathaniel gave me, I missed my friends even though they might hate me to the bone right now. And most of all I missed my parents, they must be worried sick right now. I told them I would be home before late , but I don't know if I might ever see them again. If they call the police, what can the police do against these men and creatures? I was lost in thought that I did not even detect the soldiers arriving with a doctor and a strange man , who I believed was their so-called boss. He had dirty blond hair and a clean shaven face with typical blue eyes and muscular body. He looked at me as if I was all his dreams come true. I snarled at his close proximity, the soldiers flanking his sides stiffened and their bodies tensed as if they were waiting for me to pounce on him, which I would really like to do but knew it wasn't a very good thing at the present moment. "Hello dear, I have been looking for you for a long time, I am Dr. Steven, owner of synthetic solutions." I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, not bothering to tell him how self absorbed and stupid he sounded. "I know you are coming from royalty and you will soon be united with your friends and family," he smiled as my head perked up at the mentioning of my family, was my real family here or my adopted parents? "Yes your real pathetic parents are here, still trying to resist the power I am giving them, hopefully you will be much smarter." He watched me with his beady eyes , thinking he had caught me in his trap, "what do you want in exchange?" I questioned knowing there should be a catch somewhere. "I knew , you were the smart one, I will allow you to see your family and mate as you call your partner if you allow me to do some tests on you and increase my population". That was not at all a good thing , but I had to keep the conversation flowing to get more information, "why would you disrupt the balance between the worlds?" he smiled, "don't you think it is unfair that some of us are different from others, this way we can all be special, all can have power." I shrugged , giving him an unconcerned look, "well you wouldn't mind sharing now would you?" he smiled, tightening the straps that I had no ability to move at all, I felt like an animal who was about to get slaughtered. He was getting pleasure by seeing me tortured, the hatred I saw in his eyes was overwhelming. "Please!" I whimpered , my wolf thrashed but my body was still not ready for the change still. Dr. Steven took out a syringe full of some south of liquid, and injected it to soft skin at the side of my neck. I did not lose consciousness as I initially expected to happen, instead my whole body felt numb , I could not move or feel any part of my body. 

So I laid there helplessly as he connected me into different machines and probed and poked me with different medical equipment. The pain that is inflicted on my body is unbearable. "Don't worry today is just the beginning," he gave a glorious smile as he left the room leaving me with the other scientist who had come with him to the room. I could feel my blood getting absorbed into the machine , how long will I be stuck here ? I began to wonder, as I fell back into deep sleep to bear the pain that was inflicted upon my body. 


I woke up to see a pair of brown eyes staring worriedly at me, "Nathaniel?" Benton asked, looking unsure , I nodded as everything came rushing back to , "Evangeline?" her friends shook their heads , Shelly looked like she was about to cry, "I' m sorry, it's all my fault", her shoulders shook with compressed. I could not understand , my brain was all fuzzy. "What the hell happened?" my wolf was growling in fury, our mate was kidnapped and god knew what she was going through. I was transforming , dark veins spread through my body , and warm liquid pooled my eyes. I knew that I was going to lose control now, I convulsed with pain radiating from my body for a moment then my bones snapped and claws curved out of my paws, fur covering my body and my clothes disappearing into thin air. When my wolf has finally taken over I bare my fangs at them and growl threateningly. "Whoa man! calm down, we will find her." Benton was starting to panic , I could smell his fear radiating him. But my wolf was going to tear him apart if I stayed here any longer. I could not help thinking how I have failed my task in protecting my princess and now I will never be able to save my family, but I couldn't help thinking how selfish I have been. 

Just then I got a fantastic idea. I growled at the two humans making sure I had their attention. I took off straight through the forest towards Evangeline's home. As we came within reach of the house , they began to realise what was actually happening, they rushed ahead of me and knocked on the door. "Mrs Parker! Mr Parker!" I knew her parents might be asleep as it was night already and good past the time that humans went to bed. We started banging on their door, I could pick out their scent within but nothing more so I knew for now we were safe. The lights switch on in their house, and footsteps stumble down the stairs, the elder pair looked shocked and astonished to see us all standing at their door in the middle of the night, but Evangeline's mother raked her eyes over us as if she is looking for something , or should I say someone ? The minute she notices Evangeline's absence the picture forms her mind falling into the worst possible outcomes. "What happened , where is she?" Mrs Parker was fuming with worry and anger. Mr Parker however was much calmer he led us into the dinning room and brought us all cups of cold water as our journey had made us extremely tired. After gulping down the water we were finally able to catch our breaths and slowly narrate the story. I thought they might get shocked to hear about the hunters and act incoherently but they remained silent and calm even though Evangeline's mothers eyes were filled with tears, and fear bubbling just beneath the surface. "We have to save her , do something." I knew where their first thoughts were headed, "no police, this man is very connected with the government, he might find a way to twist the story if we contact them." They gaped at me, "then what do we do if the authorities will not help us?" I gave them a sad smile, "we plan , then figure out a way to rescue them." I have a good experience with disappearing , so it might help us in this journey but we had to be very careful with our plans. 

"One more thing , no one goes into the forest till we put a stop to this okay?" Evangeline's mother looked pointedly at Shelly , who nodded blushing in embarrassment, after all it was her fault all this happened. " What if we make a trap for them?" Shelly questioned, looking delighted , I knew some sought of idea has struck her. "Like what?" I questioned, then Shelly laid out the master plan in her head. "That is actually good , if they fall for it." I nodded my approval to the plan, "get some sleep we will rescue her tomorrow. Gather the forest rangers up, don't tell them about our secret , just about how animals are being kidnapped along with humans."

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