Chapter 9

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When I arrived at Evangeline's house I growled knowing that she would hear. Soon the door opened and my mate ran towards me and threw her arms around him burying her face in his coat. "Oh Nat, can you change? I have a lot to tell you." And then she said everything she had found out , about her adoption and what her parents have hidden from her all these years. I held her as sobbed into him , getting out the pain , betrayal and despair in her vision. "What are we going to do?" I looked at her tear streaked face and gave her a soft smile, "whatever happens we will be together, I promise." Then I got a perfect idea, "wanna run?" I quickly transformed my bones snapping and fur covering his body. Canines growing sharp and claws elongating in my soft paw paddings. My wolf was really happy , he ran a circle around her and nudged her hand for pets. She ran her fingers through our fur , it was the best feeling ever , then she smiled and took off shouting , "race you!" over her head. We chased after her , feeling exhilarated , then we skidded to a stop.

I scented and listened in hunters silences , someone or something had been in the forest. It wasn't safe , and I would not keep our mate in this territory. I snarled and howled to get Evangeline's attention then ran back towards her house, and she ran behind me. Panting , I shifted when they reached the house then pulled her to the side of the tree lines. "What's wrong?" She looked really confused, and I did not want her to be worried. "Nothing, I just remembered that I had to do something at home, sorry princess, I will see you tomorrow." I instantly saw the hurt in her eyes , he would whine but he remained rigid. I hated hurting her feelings but he had to remain strong for the both of them, her safety came first. I gently brushed a strand of her hair, and ran to the forest.



Why would Nathaniel leave me like this, did I do something wrong? God , I was so exhausted and tired. But even more , I knew something was extremely wrong. But I could not put my finger on it. But his rejection yesterday stung more than I expected it to, but I put up a brave face. We were going to check wolf tracks today with Shelly and Ben. I really hoped that everything would be alright. But the problem was I was feeling really sick, my jaws ached and the tips of my fingers felt blistering.

When I got to school , I was having a killer headache. How was I going to survive the rest of the day? I did not know. The day seemed to drag on, maybe because I wanted to do nothing more than go home and sleep. By lunch time I was feeling nauseous , the minute the bell rang I raced past everyone to the bathroom. My silver hair was already coming out of the braid and my eyes ached. The minute I locked myself in one of the stalls my stomach blanched , my legs felt weak and my body was coated with sweat. I sat on the floor and leaned over the toilet, a few seconds later I was vomiting heavily , I gripped the side of the handles and panned. By the end of it I was too tired to even lift my head up. But I knew something was not right so I had to go home. 

I dragged myself halfway through the corridor , I could not go any more. My knees buckled and I collapsed on the floor unable to move an inch. Suddenly someone stopped in front of me , the scents and sounds were so overwhelming that I could not even recognise who was standing in front of me, "hey, Evangeline? You okay?" no she was definitely not okay and this was not the person she was looking for , she felt scared all of a sudden , "Nathaniel, please take me to him," she whimpered in pain. Everything was silent for a minute , then "what? You are sick and you want me to take you to him?" she nodded barely , but then found herself being lifted, by the person to whom the voice belonged. She tried her best to struggle out but her strength was gone, tears ran down her cheeks. As she was carried all the way to a sea green room , "oh dear, what happened?" a clinical voice questioned as she was laid on a stiff bed, was she in hospital , oh god. Now she started to panic , she has never been to a hospital , her parents never took her. But she knew that this was because of her DNA , if they took a blood report then it was sure that they would find out that she is human. She had to get out and fast, but before they could do anything the door opened and a growling voice interrupted them , "what did you do to her?" that voice, she knew who it belonged to and it brought instant relief flooded her, "Nat, get me out of here! please," she whimpered. Both the doctor and the other person who had carried her started protesting but were interrupted, "I will take her home, I know her parents. If you are so worried you can call them after we leave." without listening to anymore of the nurses babbling he grabbed my hand and left a gaping nurse and Benton. 

When we were in the forest Nathaniel stopped and inspected every inch of me, "did they hurt you?" he questioned, looking extremely worried. "I am sorry, I just don't feel alright", I told him , "there was too much noise, and I felt sick. Do you think my sensitivity increased all of a sudden?" his eyes widened , "does your body hurt ? jaws ache and itchy?" he questioned looking panicked , I nodded what was happening to me? Was I alright? He gave me a soft smile , then pulled me into his arms , "it's normal , you are transforming , tonight is a full moon night, you might not fully transform but it will be a lot of pain princess. You should go home and rest , tell your parents and stay inside." He held me tightly , then I remembered my promise to Shelly to go look for wolf traces. "I can't stay inside , we have to go to Shelly's today, remember?" his eyes narrowed, then sighed "cancel it , tell her you are feeling sick, I will stay with you". But I shook my head. Shelly was having a hard time with her parents , if I did not support her she would be very upset and that was not a risk I wanted to take even if my soul mate did not like it. Finally Nathaniel , sighed "if that is what you want I will come with you, but if something happens during the time we stay with them I am going to tear them apart, understood?" I could see in his eyes that this was not an empty promise, he was planning to act on his threat if something goes wrong. 

Nathaniel and I raced home , running felt good, it made me feel like I was free and nothing could catch me. And something inside me roared with excitement and acceptance. My parents were waiting for us at home, "oh honey you shouldn't have gone to school at all." My mom wrapped her arms around me , both of them have just come home from work. From their uniforms and tired expressions I could see that. They told us to come in and make dinner, then I reminded them about my plans , they were not happy about it but agreed when I mentioned that Nathaniel is going to be there. 

I dressed in a pair of leggings and a hooded sweatshirt, put on some hiking boots and took my phone making sure it was fully charged. Promising to call my parents, I left home. But little did I know a nasty surprise was waiting for me. 

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