9.| heartfelt farewells

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'Here I am

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'Here I am. Tied to this suppose diabolical weather altering machine. The rope burn is freaking real. Just great.'

Les had the ray beam gun pointed to Brady, myself and Mack. I was less than impressed with the whole situation.

" In mere moments, less time than it takes for me to steal this scene.." doctor fusion's sneeze disrupts his 'dialogue', I bite the skin inside of my mouth holding in a laugh.

'You gotta take this part of the movie seriously, mor.' " this machine will change the weather patterns, I shall take possession of big Mama's." Fusion intrudes on Les's scheming.

" Big Momma's." He says, cheering at the possibility of being able to finally have her place. I badly want to say something but decide against it. " And.. all your friends will disappear forever. Or longer!"

I stare at him, strangely. Now I decide on speaking up. " But.. forever is longer than well.. you know, whatever you think you have in your mind, Though. So the schematics of it, and time, does contradict majorly what you're implying. It's simple really to understand. That is just I am thinking." I shrug, feeling an itch forming on my wrist, candidly. " Plus. There is a flaw in this plan you have. I'm sorry to have to say." I added on. Mack and Brady share looks.

" Oh, really, young lady. And that is?" He looks genuinely confused on what I had to say for his grand scheming master plan.

" isn't there always one flaw with these plans, usually? I'm no expert but there usually is." Mack says, to Brady. The lighthouse is quite chilly, creepy, as Les laugh bounces off the bricks.

" Well! I'm off to measure the beach for a resort parking lot." I try being blank faced but fusions laugh is funny, and my lips stretch in a smirk so I stare at the ground as he rolls out a tape measure.

Les and fusion do the infamous villainous 'evil laugh'. 'Oh bother.'

" How dumb could he be to have these so loose. Fusion cannot be a real villain." I untie the knot on the rope bounds fusion did around my wrists, once he and Les have left the room.

" Mor?! How did you undo that? You took those off like it was nothing." Brady exclaims, I had hours of movie behind the scenes and real life footage from YouTube on how to escape. It came in clutch here. " fusion and less did a horrible job at tying those knots. It's child's play." I massage the rope burn on my skin.

" it could be worse." Brady made a comment, I agree. ' It's not like we're in an alternate reality oh, wait, yes we are.' I toss aside the faulty rope. The choreographers could have done classes before the movie production.

'Villain one on one. How to tie a knot, step one.' Doctor fusion's chalk board of his diagram and progress to the weather machine is on full display for all to see.

" at least Mor, and I's, favourite movie wasn't tarantulas on a train." I hear mack splutter a laugh, which sounded more of a realisation moment you hear when you think about an important piece of life changing information. Which sounds real odd but it made all the sense if you think about it.

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