Chapter 6: The Diary

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A week after her visit to Aunt Rose, Evelyn received a package in the mail. It was from her aunt, and inside was an old, leather-bound diary with a note: "Evelyn, I thought you might want to read this. It's your grandmother's diary. Love, Aunt Rose."

Evelyn carefully opened the diary, the pages brittle with age. As she read, she was transported back to a time when her grandmother was a young woman, full of hope and dreams. The entries detailed Clara's daily life, her love for James, and the heartache she felt when he went to war.

March 14, 1944: "James left today. I kissed him goodbye, and he promised he would come back to me. I have to believe him. The world feels so uncertain, but his love gives me strength."

July 5, 1944: "I received a letter from James today. He says the war is brutal, but thoughts of our future keep him going. I pray every night for his safe return."

Evelyn's eyes filled with tears as she read the final entry about James.

December 12, 1945: "I received the news today. James is missing in action. My heart is shattered. How do I go on without him? But I must. For him. For us."

The diary painted a vivid picture of a young woman in love, devastated by war, and yet resilient in the face of heartbreak.

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