Chapter 1 Prologue

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Before we delve into the new life of our main character, Axel Woods, let's reflect on the events that led to his current situation.

In the year 2030 on Earth, tensions were high as world powers engaged in conflicts that could have been avoided if not for the people in charge.

As a result, Axel Woods was conscripted into the military at a young age while he was still pursuing his master's degree in physics. This was just one aspect of his impressive journey; despite being born to low-income parents, he earned the title of "Prodigy of the 21st Century" with his academic achievements and hard work.

At only 16 years old, he had completed high school and received scholarships to pursue his desired field of study. His initial choice was biology, which he completed in just 2 years. This brought him recognition around the world, thanks to technology and social media.

From there, he delved into computer science as his next major. During studying this subject, he developed a personal AI that aided him in his plan of creating a universal cure for all diseases.

He was completely unaware of the gravity of the situation, and by the time he finished his work at the age of 20, it had already been stolen and destroyed. At the same time, he was conscripted into war.

You might be wondering why the Government didn't attempt to recruit him; well, the main reason was that his beliefs and values conflicted with what they wanted. He did not support the ongoing war and had no interest in contributing to the production of weapons or any other forms of support for the war effort.

His public statements in interviews made him unpopular with the Government. When the draft was initiated, he was forced to join the military as a Marine. Despite his intelligence, Axel was unable to avoid the draft and had no choice but to go and fight.

However, he excelled at officer school and quickly rose through the ranks, outshining all other officers.

The Government was determined to eliminate him because he posed a potential threat to their ideologies, considering his growing popularity. Their wish was granted when Axel was assigned a reconnaissance mission in enemy territory where he was ambushed and fatally injured.

However, before his death, his A.I. was programmed to send out all the information he gathered on Government officials and make it public for the world to see.

Axel was not a Hero or a Villain, but he refused to accept his death without some sort of compensation. He braced himself for the fiery depths of Hell, but instead, an old man with a White beard appeared before him.

This man claimed to be God and offered Axel a single option: to be reborn into a new Universe where he could live freely and fulfill his desires.

Axel enthusiastically accepted the offer, and soon found himself reborn with the same name in the Halo universe. But before he left, God granted him a special gift: an enhanced intelligence that would make him unrivaled in the entire universe.

On January 21st, 2490, Axel Woods entered the world of Halo. However, his birth was not without its challenges. His mother, Aleena Woods, passed away during childbirth, while his father, Commander Joseph Gardner, fell victim to an attack by Insurrectionists amidst rising tensions within the Unified Earth Government's colonies.

Axel was left without parents or a guardian after the death of his mother and father. Despite efforts to locate any living relatives, none could be found by the Hospital. As a result, Axel was placed in an Orphanage where he spent the next 10 years of his childhood.

During this time, it became evident that Axel possessed exceptional intelligence and potential, prompting the Orphanage to enroll him in school. He excelled among his peers, catching the attention of Commander Preston Cole, a Naval Officer.

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