Chapter 12

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𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 | New Entry of Character

The group reacted with murmurs of concern and dismay. "Shit," "Oh god," "Oh my goodness," they whispered slowly.
Nandhini continued, her voice trembling slightly. "Navya, he's going to kill me on Monday, I'm sure of it."

Navya put a comforting hand on Nandhini's shoulder right away. "Nothing like that will happen, Nandhu. Remember that we are all here with you." With an anxious look in her eyes, she stated, "We'll figure it out together." The others gave their support by nodding in mutual agreement.

Nandhini, however, shook her head, clearly afraid. "No, no, Navya, you're not understanding at all. I back answered him back with strong words. He is not going to spare me. She replied, "I'm scared," her voice trembling with terror and her thoughts racing with potential threats. Nandini thought to herself, "At least Manik isn't a murderer" she never thought he would be this scary and unpredictable man.

Kumar stepped in, suggesting they leave the party immediately. "Let's get out of here now. We've seen enough for tonight. It's time for all of us to head home," he said, his tone urgent.

The group nodded in agreement, and they proceeded to leave the party with caution, constantly looking around to ensure they weren't being followed by Manik. As they made their way towards the exit, Nandhini suddenly realized she had left her phone and bag on a nearby table. She hesitated for a moment, but then insisted that Navya and Ravi stay outside while she retrieved her belongings.

Navya and Ravi protested, offering to accompany her, but Nandhini insisted they wait outside the building to minimize the risk of encountering Manik again. Reluctantly, they agreed, and Nandhini hurried back into the party to retrieve her things.

Just as Nandhini was ready to walk away, she felt a hand take a strong hold of her arm. When she looked back, she saw a man standing over her, his voice authoritative but not harsh, knowing that they were surrounded by people.

"Where do you think you're going, Ms.?" With a firm and commanding tone, the voice asked. Nandhini knew it at once, but she couldn't force herself to say anything. She said nothing more, a mixture of fear and nervousness was flowing through her.

"So anyways, Mr. Aryaman Kapoor, I must leave," Nandhini attempted to walk past him, but he blocked her path.

"No, no, you can't go yet. Hey, wait. Do I look like a formal man to you? Relax and call me Aryaman only, please," he insisted, his tone warm and inviting. "Please, I kindly request you to stay and give me the opportunity to accompany you for tonight. And don't worry, I'm not a creepy guy or stalker who will hurt you or kidnap you in the end, okay?"

Nandhini couldn't help but laugh at his dramatic dialogue and expressive gestures. "Alright, let me at least inform my friends so that they don't have to worry about me," she said, seeking his approval.

Aryaman nodded in agreement, waiting patiently for her to inform her friends. Nandhini quickly realized that the party hall had network coverage, unlike the corridor in the hallway where she couldn't get a signal. After informing her friends, she returned to Aryaman's side, and he greeted her with a warm smile.

Manik came out of nowhere and stepped in front of them, blocking their path before they reached the dance floor. "Hello, Mr. Kapoor, where are you headed? I wanted to speak with you." Aryaman glanced at Nandhini before replying to Manik, "Mr. Malhotra, I was just about to dance with this gorgeous woman." Manik raised his eyebrows with feigned amusement, while Nandhini knew he was taunting her with his implied "really?"

Nandhini grew worried, seeing Manik interrupting her happy moment. Manik forced a smile and said, "Oh my God, Nandhu, there you are. I've been calling and searching for you everywhere." With that, he separated them and pulled Nandhini towards him. "Ah, Mr. Kapoor, I'm going to take her with me. We can chat about the project some other time."

Aryaman couldn't believe it, knowing that Manik wasn't known to have a girlfriend or to be this close with any girl. "Mr. Malhotra, you can't just take her away. Right, Nandhini?" Aryaman asked, but Nandhini was torn about what to say in this situation. She slowly nodded and said to Manik, "Mr. Malhotra, Aryaman asked me for a dance and to accompany him tonight. It would be rude to reject him now."

Hearing this, Manik clenched his fists and jaw, his anger rising. "Come, gorgeous, see you later, Mr. Malhotra," Aryaman said, leading Nandhini away to the dance floor as Manik watched them go, frustration etched on his face.

The whole night, Nandhini stayed by Aryaman's side. He kept her entertained with jokes, engaging stories, and introductions to his friends. Nandhini found herself enjoying the evening, even though a part of her was constantly aware of Manik's lingering presence.

As the hours passed, Nandhini finally glanced at her watch and realized how late it was. She turned to Aryaman and said, "It's getting late. I should head home."

Aryaman, ever the gentleman, replied, "It's too late for you to go home alone. Please, let me drop you off." After a moment of hesitation, Nandhini agreed.

Meanwhile, across the room, Manik watched them with a dark expression. He couldn't stand seeing Nandhini laughing and talking so comfortably with Aryaman. Each shared smile and dance step felt like a dagger to his heart. He felt a storm of emotions brewing inside him—jealousy, frustration, and an unsettling sense of loss.

His friend noticed Manik's mood and approached him. "Manik, are you okay?"

Manik tore his gaze away from the couple and forced a nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just not in the mood for this party anymore. Let's go."

Without another word, Manik and his friend left the party. The music and laughter faded behind them as they stepped out into the cool night air. Manik's mind was a whirl of thoughts, replaying the evening's events and wondering how he could have handled things differently.

As they walked to the car, his friend broke the silence. "You really don't like her, don't you?"

Manik didn't respond immediately. He looked up at the star-filled sky, searching for clarity. "Yeah," he finally admitted. "I do."

His friend nodded, understanding the weight of those words. They drove away from the party, the night settling into a contemplative silence. Manik stared out the window, his thoughts still on Nandhini and the evening that had slipped away from him.

Back at the party, Aryaman led Nandhini to his car. "Thank you for tonight," she said softly as he opened the door for her.
"It was my pleasure," Aryaman replied with a warm smile. "I had a great time."

As they drove through the quiet streets, Nandhini's mind wandered to Manik. She couldn't shake the feeling of his eyes on her throughout the night. She wondered what he was thinking, and if she had made the right decision by spending the evening with Aryaman.

They arrived at her home, and Aryaman walked her to the door. "Goodnight, Nandhini, meet you soon" he said.
"Sure and Goodnight, Aryaman. Thank you again," she replied.

As she watched him drive away, she sighed and stepped inside, closing the door behind her. The night had been filled with laughter and new connections, but it had also left her with unresolved feelings and a sense of anticipation for what might come next.

And so, the night ended with both Nandhini and Manik lying awake in their respective beds, thinking of each other and the unspoken words that lingered between them. The chapter closed with a promise of new beginnings and the uncertainty of what the future held.

1,319 words

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