Chapter 50

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Author's Note: 

Dear Readers,
      I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for your constant support, likes, and continuing reading as we approach the 50th chapter stage. Knowing that you are engaging with the novel and finding the plot entertaining makes me very happy.

I understand that Manik and Nandini's romance has been developing gradually. I think that hurrying their relationship would not do justice to the thoughtful build-up we've had so far, even though I understand the need for more romantic moments. Their connection is able to grow more naturally at this slower pace, which I believe will add even more meaning to their eventual romance.

Please think about adding this story to your reading list if you're enjoying the journey. Even in this tiny way, your support makes a big difference to me and encourages more people to read this fiction.
Once again, I appreciate all of your support.
Enjoy reading the 50th chapter!

Have fun while reading.

~ 50 ~

Arjun Kumar and Anirudh had been away from the office due to a temporary transfer, tasked with meeting a new client. They, along with several other employees from the finance and IT departments, had been sent on this assignment. This left Nandini feeling quite alone; she usually shared her day with Arjun and Anirudh.

Nandini sighed as she glanced at the clock—6 PM. She typically left the office with Monica, but today, she had to go alone. Navya, another colleague, was also absent, having taken leave to visit her mother in Patna. Feeling a mix of loneliness and the weight of a tiring day, Nandini decided to do something different. Instead of heading straight home, she chose to visit the nearby beach.

Arriving at the beach, Nandini slipped off her shoes, feeling the cool sand between her toes. She walked towards the shore, careful to sit just far enough from the waves to keep her dress dry. The setting sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, and for the first time in a while, Nandini felt a sense of peace wash over her.

Lost in her thoughts, Nandini's phone rang, pulling her back to reality. It was Manik.

"Hello, good evening, Manik," she answered.

"Hello, Nandini. Did you leave early today? I didn't see you on the department floor," Manik inquired, his voice tinged with concern.

Nandini smiled at his worry. "Yes, Manik, I checked out at 6 PM. I didn't have much work today, so I decided to relax at Beach. It's my first time here, you know. I've never really explored Mumbai," she admitted.

Manik chuckled softly. "Hold on a minute, Nandini. I'll join you. Just tell me which beach you're at."

Nandini hesitated, not wanting to impose. "Manik, you must be tired from your meetings today. You don't have to come—"

"Nandini, where are you?" Manik interrupted gently but firmly.

Realizing there was no point in arguing, Nandini sighed and told him the beach's name and before she could say anything further, Manik hung up without another word, leaving Nandini to shake her head, rolling her eyes and smile at his persistence. "Aiyyapa, what will I do with this boy? Why is he so stubborn?" she muttered, glancing skyward as if seeking guidance.

Minutes later, Nandini spotted Manik approaching, looking every bit like a business student in his black pants and white shirt. He saw her and waved, a bright smile lighting up his face. He looked so cute and adorable. She wanted to pull his cheeks but she didn't do it.

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