United Federation of the Americas

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Name(s): United Federation of the Americas (UFA) (Officially), Colonies of Mantle (Formerly).

Founded: During the Great War of Remnant

Capital: Washington D.C.

Currency: UF Dollar, Lien (1 Lien is the equivalent to 1 UF Dollar, this is used for outside of the UF.)

Largest Cities: New York City, Toronto, Mexico City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Havana, Guatemala City, Vancouver City, Chicago, Santo Domingo, Houstan, Tijuana, Montreal, Tokyo, Moscow, Murmansk, Berlin, Warsaw, Stockholm, Helsinki, Volgograd, Saint Petersburg, Kyiv, Bejing, Paris, Delhi, Rio De Janeiro, Caracas, Riyadh, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Canberra, Manila

Motto(s): "In God We Trust." (Official), Down with the Traitors and Up with the Stars!", "E Pluribus Unum (Out of many, one.), "For America!", "For Freedom!", "For Liberty!", "America Forever!", "Glory for Freedom!", "For the Federation!"

Population Numbers: 2.5 Billion.

Language(s): (Non at Official Level)

American-English (Formerly Remnant-Common)





Various Indigenous Languages

Various Caribbean

Yucatec Mayan



Haitian Creole


German (Formerly Old Mantlese.)

Luxembourgish (Descends from Old Mantlese.)

Dutch (Formerly Coastal Solitan.)

Frisian (Descends from German/Old Mantlese and influenced by German.)

West Frisian (Descends from German/Old Mantlese and influenced from Dutch/Coastal Solitan.)

Yiddish (Split off from Old Mantlese and incorporated elements from Hebrew/Eastern Vacuan, Slavic/Northern Solitan, and Islamic languages.)

Limburgish (Split off from German/Old Mantlese and influenced by German and Dutch/Coastal Solitan.)

Lithuanian (Formerly Eastern Solitan.)

Hungarian (Formerly Southern Solitan.)

Albanian (Formerly Western Solitan.)

Ancient Sanusan (A.N: Latin) (Only in written form, though there are some who practice speaking it when needed.)

French-Romanic (Formerly Old Standard Valean) (Split off from Ancient Sanusan.)

Occitan-Romanic (Formerly Gallian Valean.)

Italian-Romanic (Split off from Ancient Sanusan and is formerly Eastern Valean.)

Corsican-Romanic (Split off from Ancient Sanusan and Italian-Romanic.)

Venetian-Romanic (Split off from Ancient Sanusan and Italian-Romanic.)

Lombardian-Romanic (Split off from Ancient Sanusan and Italian-Romanic)

Salician-Romanic (Split off from Ancient Sanusan and Italian-Romanic.)

Ligurian-Romanic (Split off from Ancient Sanusan and Italian-Romanic.)

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