Prolouge: History of the UFA (1)

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What the UFA is.

The United Federation of the Americas, it is the Fifth Nation of Remnant, but it is not like any other place on Remnant as it does not see itself as a Kingdom, but a Republic instead, controlling a vast amount of territory far larger than the Four Kingdoms combined, and is thought to be a myth.

The UFA is a large nation that spans several continents such as America, Far West Isles, and Far East Isles with the president voted in by the people, for the people, and with the people instead of a Monarch, or in the case of the Four Kingdoms, an Oligarchy, and they had racism and bigotry wiped out for true freedom, but how did they come this way and this far?

Ancient Times

When the second wave of life began, Native Americans and other natives on the other continents had appeared and began spreading, albeit, a difficult team doing so because of the grimm that were spread around, but they still fought them.

Those who were native to the Americas were known as Indigenous-Native-Americans while the ancient people who came from the Sanus, Anima, and Solitias were called Descendent-Natives/Settler-Natives

A few thousand years before the Four Kingdoms even formed, many ancient people, who came from Solitas, Sanus, and Anima, discovered the Americas and other continents, had began settling unoccupied land and fighting off grimm, forming nations, small and large.

Here are a few following examples.

the Ancient Sanusans formed the Roman Empire in what was now parts of Norwestia and Quebec and became the Descedent-Latin-Natives.

Solitanic people from Central and Coastal Solitas and Northern Anima settled on and formed the Kingdom of Norse in what is now Norland, Iceland, Germania, and Dutcheria and became the Descendent-Solitanic-Native people.

Some Northern Solitans made it to what is now Alaska and parts of the Far West, forming the Tsardom of Slavica, and some Northern Solitans found Antarctica to form the Kingdom of Antarctica, and they became Descendent-Slavic-Natives.

Some Vytalian Valeans from Vytal Island settled on what was now Ireland and Scotland and became the Descendent-Gaelic-Natives.

Some Western Animanians settled in what was now Hellena and fought and eradicating the grimm, they became Descendent-Hellenic-Natives.

Some Central, Western, Eastern, Northern, and Southern Sanusans from what is now Vacuo found the Islamic Isles and Afrika and settled in to become the Descendent-Islamic-Natives, Descendent-Afrikan-Natives, and became the Islamic Caliphate for those in the Islamic Isles and the Great Kingdom of Afrika.

Some Southern Animans found their way to what is now India and formed the Kingdom of Bharat and became Descendent-Hindi-Natives.

Some Western and Southern Solitans settled in what is now Ungava and founded the Kingdom on Indoria and becoming the Descendent-Indorian-Natives and some Eastern Solitans found their way to the Far West and settled in what was in now Lithuania and founded the Duchy of Lithuania and became the Descendent-Lithuanian-Natives.

Some Animanians found their way to the Southern Part of the Far West and became the Descendent-Asian-Natives and formed the Kingdom of Zhongguo.

The Early Years of Colonization

300 years after the Four Kingdoms were formed, one of the Kingdoms, Mantle, had found the Americas and the other continents and islands, and began the process of colonization.

The Descendent-Natives, began splitting off into multiple languages and ethnicities when Mantlese, Mistralian, Vacuan, and Valean Settlers started coming in while keeping the ancient languages alive.

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