Prolouge: History of the UFA (2)

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The Later Years of Colonization and Separation.

Influxes of newer settlers from Mantle, Mistral, Vale, and Vacuo kept pouring and landing on the shores of Americas, Caribbean Islands, Far West Islands, Far East Islands, Afrika, Islamic Isles, Oceania, with the settlers mixing in with the Natives and cultures mixing together, and the new settlers began spreading out all over the Americas, Far West, Far East, Afrika, Islamic Isles, and Oceania.

It should be mentioned that Faunus also came into the what is now the UFA during Mantle's centuries-long colonization before the Great War, they either came in as immigrants called Free Faunus, who came to the colonies to escape the racism in the rest of the Four Kingdoms, or as an Enslaved Faunus imported into the colonies by Mantlese and Mistralian slave owners or hell, other slave owners that weren't Mantlain or Mistralian ever since Mantle discovered and colonized the New World centuries before, which the Natives and most settlers hated but had to deal with it.

Many sympathetic people, especially in the Northern colonies, gave money to enslaved Faunus to help them buy their freedom but the Dixie South saw Faunus as animals and free labor for slavery to exploited and ran to the ground, if anything, the Dixen Southern slaver owners were just like the Schnee Dust Company that would rise up in the future, which everyone would grow to hate soon.

As time went on, the settlers, whether they mixed with the Natives or not, began culturally and identity-wise, separating themselves from the rest of Remnant, making their own culture and identity, calling themselves Americans, Mexicans, Canadians, Caribbean, Slavic, Islamic, Far Eastern, Far Western, Asian, Oceanian, Romanics, etc.

No longer calling themselves Mantlese, Valean, Mistralian, and Vacuan.

A few examples

Mexico, Latin-America, Afrika, and Islamic Isles, were once called New Vacuo as Vacuan Settlers mixed with the Ibero-Romanic Natives and the Afrikan, Swahilian, and Islamic Natives and as such began called themselves demonyms appropriate for each region they settled in and whatever culture they adopted.

Germania was once called New Mantle but when the Mantlese on New Mantle revolted, they began calling themselves Germans and their island Germania.

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut were once New Sanus and the region was still called as such.

Some newer Mistralian Settlers settled in Asia and their languages and cultures mixed as well and were once New Mistral.

Newer Western Mistralian Settlers settled in Hellena Island and mixed with the Natives, as Hellena was once Atheni-Mistral.

Newer Valean Settlers mixed in with the Franco-Romancians in Quebec as the region was once called New Vale and some Eastern Valeans mixed in with the Italian-Romanics in Norwestia.

Tensions and the beginning of the Great War and the Great Federation Revolution

However, years before the Great War of Remnant, Mantle began mistreating both the Natives and their own Settlers to grow their economy at the expense of the Settlers and Natives and to be "safe" from the Grimm following an incident, they imposed taxes and such, and they banned arts and self-expression to be "safe" from the Grimm, because of this, they were large protests, and as a result Mantle imposed more taxes and became more strict, and this led to even more protests from the settlers and Natives, of which were violently put down, such as the infamous Boston Massacre, New York Massacre, Bloody River Massacre, Alamo Massacre, among other massacres, and there were executions of those who broke the law of no self-expression, often on the spot in public.

At the same time, due to the rising tensions because of Mantle's and Mistral's mistreatment and the banning of self-expressions reaching a boiling point, the Great War had sparked between the Four Kingdoms with Mantle and Mistral going to war with Vale and Vacuo, thus providing the Settlers and Natives, who had enough of Mantle, an opportunity and they took it, so they massively began revolting everywhere with the Founding Fathers issuing the Declaration of Independence.

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