UFA Faunus

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Demonyms: Faunus-American, Faunus-Mexican and/or Faunus-Mexican-American, Faunus-Canadian/Faunus-Canadian-American, Faunus-Asian and/or Faunus-Asian-American, Faunus-Slavic and/or Faunus-Slavic-American, Faunus-Caribbean and/or Faunus-Caribbean, Faunus Mesoamerican, Faunus-German, Faunus-German-American, Faunus-Latin-American.


Faunus came into the what is now the UFA during Mantle's colonization decades of before the Great War, they either came in as immigrants as Free Faunus or as Enslaved Faunus imported into the colonies, which the Natives disliked but had to deal with it, cut to the years of the Great Federate Revolution, the UFA had gained independence, but it was forced to keep Faunus-Slavery instated to appease the South which had little industrial and had agrarian Faunus-Slavery as its main economy.

Not all was perfect for the South, the slaves sometimes didn't bow down at all to their masters and these resulted in slave revolts and fights, which the military was forced to put down, which made pro-abolitionist military personnel and the government angry, and there would be escaped slaves, famous of which was Harriet Tubman, a Serval Faunus who helped other enslaved Faunus escape to the North or other free areas via the underground railway.

The Government had wanted to ban slavery and at the same time, John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry which the South accused the Government of planning, and this ended up angering the South and they seceded from the Federation, creating the Confederation of Dixen-American States and others areas succeeded as well.

Thus kick starting the Great Federation Civil War.

Costing the lives of millions.

But the Federation won and bounced back, the traitors were destroyed, and Faunus were finally free.

But at what cost?


Faunus of the UFA, were different from the regular Faunus from the rest of Remnant.

They were had developed multiple traits instead of one, which were rare on Remnant, but became common when they arrived into the colonies soon to become the UFA.

For example, one Cat Faunus-American can have cat ears, a cat tail, patches of fur, cat claws, and sometimes paws or a Bear Faunus-Alaskan could have bear ears, bear claws, patches of bear fur, foot paws, and even bear roars.

They were slightly stronger and faster than the average Faunus of Remnant, and they had better night vision.

Perhaps the Belladonnas or Scarletinas could have a few distant lost relatives in the UFA....

A Few Examples. (A.N: Ignore the fact that some are RWBY characters, I had to get what I can get.)


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