CH 5. Lonesome Love

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" Why am i lonely for lonesome love? Why am i lonely for lonesome love? Why am i lonely? "


Niki has just texted Cynthia. While the girls had gone to talk Niki grabbed me and took be to a quieter place for us to talk as well. See what Y/N doesn't know is that my close friend Heeseung is friends with Felix.

And me being the most amazingly stupid best friend ever I Heeseung for a favour. I asked him to convince Felix to talk to Y/N but I feel as though my plan has backfired. I don't like Felix getting close to my best friend, but I cant just stop them from talking i mean im the one who started all of this.

"It's ok bro Cyn's on the way" Niki says patting my shoulder. We had no idea how to fix this so we thought Cynthia might be able to help. God i hope she can help, I don't know how much longer i can deal with him around my Y/N.

We see Cynthia walk around the corner and head straight towards us. "What's wrong you guys ok?" She asked us sitting across from us. I just looked down, i'm too ashamed to admit my jealousy. I don't even like Y/N like that! so why do i wanna walk up to Felix and punch him. force him to stay away from my best friend.

Niki explains the situation for me, "Um. he got Heeseung to tell felix to talk Y/N but now he's feeling jealous of felix because he likes Y/N-" I cut niki off "I Don't like her like that." I say sternly. Cyn raises her eyebrow at the both of us. "So what your telling me is you tried to get Y/N and her crush together to be a good friend but now you wanna take it back because your jealous but you DON'T have feelings for Y/N" She says questioning if she got the story correct.

I nod my head shamefully before looking up at Cynthia. "i don't know what to do" I say. "You are so stupid" she says looking directly at me. "Cyn, baby i don't think he wants to hear that right now" Niki comes to my rescue but now Cyn targets Niki. "I couldn't give shit what Jay wants to hear right now. He just told me the stupidest thing i've ever heard. And don't get me started on you Nishimura Riki. You knew all along and didn't tell me- matter of fact didn't try to stop it yourself." She says scolding the both of us as if we were two small children who had just drawn all over the walls.

"Jay. You like Y/N-" she begins until i start with "I don't." But as soon as i disagreed with her i knew my fate. Looking up i'm met with two furious eyes. I see Niki slowly stand up attempting to flee only for Cyn to catch him "SIT DOWN RIKI." He rushes back to his seat in a panic.

"Jay you can't fix this." she says sadly. "Y/N has liked Felix for so long and she's finally getting the attention she wanted from him. You can't bring her down for yourself." She holds her ground although it looks as if she wants to tell me to go stop them from talking.

"Look at me. The both of you." Niki and I avert our eyes to the girl in front of us. "You are going to leave Y/N and Felix alone. You will not break them apart because you don't have an excuse but plain jealousy. If you had admitted to your very obvious crush on her maybe my words would help different. but you didn't." she finishes her speech towards me. "Nishimura Riki. what the fuck were you thinking?! This was such a stupid idea and you went along with it?!?" She exclaims eyes burning holes into Niki.

I take this as my time to escape the wrath of Cynthia. While walking back to the table I hear noises coming from the girls bathroom. Its yelling. After a while it calms down and soon Elle walks out of the bathroom. Suddenly surprised at my presence she fixes her posture before flirting with me. I'm gonna be so real i didn't hear a single thing she said. After a few minutes of me ignoring her she leaves with a scoff.

I heard crying coming from the girls bathroom. I badly wanna know who it is but im a man. I cant go in the girls toilets. Suddenly Cynthia appears next to me. "Holy fuck you're scary as shit!" I yell before she pushes me out of the way and heads into the bathroom. All i hear is a "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?!" Before i leave deciding it's none of my business.



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