CH 6. You're Here Thats The Thing

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" I've got you wrapped around my finger like a piece of ribbon, you just won't admit that you're smitten "

Y/N's POV (after cynthia has left)

I watch as Cyn leaves the bathroom, turning to the mirror I decide to wash my face with water. Holy shit. I was processing the fact that the man i've been in love with since seventh grade talked to me- touched me.

I hear silent giggling coming from one of the stalls, "Hello? Who's there?" I call out softly. The sound of heels clicking immediately tells me who it is. Elle. "It's just me!" she says with a sweet smile. "Oh hi Elle" I reply back hoping to be civil.

"Who said you could talk to me bitch!" her sudden aggression startled me. There goes being civil. I stay silent not wanting to make a wrong move but apparently that was the wrong move. "You are so stupid you know? maybe you should learn to stick up for yourself, Jay isn't gonna be there to save you all the time" She mocked with fake sincerity.

"You're just a home wrecker. Going after Felix like that. You know he left me for YOU." She spat with that extra disgust on the you. "You take mine and i'm gonna go after what's yours" Before i can respond asking what she meant she quickly shuts me up by talking again, "Jay will be mine. No more hanging out with him once I become his girlfriend" She laughs in my face like the villain she is.

"Hah! He would never stop hanging out with me, we've been best friends for years you could never break that" I say confidently looking her directly in the eyes. "We'll see about that cunt." She speaks, eyes sharp glaring daggers into me. "I guess we will. Fucking try me bitch" I challenge. Maybe that wasn't the best idea.

Next thing I know i feel her slap me. "WHAT THE FUCK" I scream at her in shock. But it doesnt stop there. She grabs the back of my head latching her filthy hands into my hair before pushing my face into the mirror cracking it. "OH FUCK THAT HURT" I yell. Before i can defend myself she stops me. "If you lay a single hand on me I will not only go after Jay but take back Felix and go after Niki" She says with a winning smirk on her face. "Niki?" I question confused on what he has to do with this. She explains herself confidently "I will break Niki and Cynthia up while blaming it on you. Ruining their relationship and yours with Cynthia. so don't tell anyone what happened."

What. The. Fuck.
What am I gonna do, I cant lose Jay Niki or Cyn. "Actually I might do this for fun! I am going to make your life a living hell." She said face dropping with seriousness before its picks back up with a smile. "Bye Bye!!" She grins before leaving the bathroom.

My eyes begin to tear up. What did i do to deserve this. Looking into the cracked mirror I notice my messed up hair and bloody nose. I begin to cry. Why is this happening to me.

Hearing rushed footsteps I pray it isn't Elle coming back. I release a sigh of relief when my teary eyes meet with Cynthias. "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?!" She shouts running to me concern in her eyes. "It's nothing I was so excited about Felix I tried washing my face to calm down but i bumped into the mirror pretty hard" I explained with a sad smile on my face.

"Lies. What happened tell the truth." She accused with an unconvinced face. "I'm telling the truth!" I raise my voice slightly. I hate lying to Cyn but if i told her the truth then Elle would take Jay, Felix, Niki and Cyn away from me. I'll have no one.

"okay im sorry" she says sadly at me, "Cmon lets go to the nurses office." she says grabbing my hand and leading me out of the bathroom. As we exit I hear a gasp. I turn to look and see Jay walking up to me in concern.

"Y/N What happened" He asks his hands cupping my face gently. I don't respond. "Princess, who did this to you." He looks at me his eyes hardening. I can feel Cynthias eyes on the both of us but I can't look away from jay. "I bumped my head into the mirror i'm fine" I brush him off. He looks over at Cyn, my eyes following to find Cyn as well. She just shrugs before talking. "I'm taking her to the nurses office."

"No, I'll take her." He says sternly towards Cynthia. "Um ok no need to get your panties in a twist bitchless boy" She fakes offence before looking at me. "You gonna be ok?" She asks her hands on my shoulders. "Yeah i'll be fine. thank you" I confirm trying to dismiss her worry.

"Take care of her Jay." Cyn looks him dead in the eyes as he nods. Did something happen? this interaction feels off. She leans up to whisper something to him, I didn't hear what she said however i caught one word 'whipped' i think not sure. By the looks of it jay is immediately disagreeing. "Lets go Love" He says before grabbing my hand leading me to the nurses office.



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