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Sydney's POV

I opened my eyes as I sit up and gasped for air as I struggled to turn the alarm clock off. What did I just see? That felt too real to be a nightmare. Although I've been getting nightmares for the past few years I've never seen something like this before ever. I looked around my surrounding still shocked by the things I saw. It's dark in the room and I wonder what the time is right now. It's too cold in here yet I'm sweating, something just doesn't feel right. I removed the cover before getting up from the bed, as I stand beside my nightstand I notice a viola flower? Where did it come from? I don't remember putting it here or someone giving me this. I rest my hands on my waist, trying hard to remember what exactly happened before I fell asleep.

I picked the flower up, brought it near my nose, just as I was about to take a sniff the power went off. That was the time I realized it was pouring outside, I placed the flower where it was and moved towards the window. I pushed the wooden door open, the place was looking absolutely breathtaking from up here; the night sky, the rain, the few dim lights was to die for. I took a fresh breathe in and let it out with a loud relaxing sigh. Beautiful.

While staring out the window I heard my stomach growling, putting my hand on my belly I wondered if I had dinner, what the time is. I walked back to my bed and picked up my phone by the help of faint lights. It's 2:49 am and I don't remember eating anything I don't even remember getting in the room and falling asleep. I decided to get something to eat and started walking towards the door.

As I now stood in the hallway, I realized I never explored my new house. I looked around everywhere slowly taking in the place. This is a 3-story house, literally too big for a single person to live in but I couldn't help my excitement when one of my dad's friend, uncle Ritesh, said he bought this place and now it's under his possession. I got so happy when he said I can live here by my own after graduating. I'm going to meet him first thing in the morning.

I blinked and gave myself the last thoughts before walking towards my kitchen taking slow and quite steps while my stomach kept growling. I took a lantern out from the cupboard and light it up. Yes, this will do for the night. There wasn't much to eat anyways so I made myself some pasta. From cutting the vegetables to cooking, it took me approximately 20 minutes. When I was done and satisfied, I served it in a bowl all the while humming random tunes with rain being my background music. I smiled feeling proud as my pasta smelled good and tempting. Heh! Mom used to mock me saying I couldn't cook and wouldn't survive a day by myself. I walked into my living room and stopped in my tracks.

A coffee mug? Did I had coffee? Why don't I remember any single thing? My head struck with a sharp pain and I stumbled backwards. Clutching my head with my free hand I managed to gain my balance. I shouldn't force my brain. Not giving much thoughts, I sat on the couch and started eating. After taking one spoon I leaned back on the couch and groaned feeling the delicious saucy pasta melting in my mouth. I looked outside my window while chewing, Hush! Living alone is not so bad after all. I said while I let out a heavy breathe still munching and staring outside the window.

Finally swallowing the last piece of pasta I picked up my bowl and the coffee mug and started walking towards my kitchen. I decided to do the dishes not leaving it for the next day as I also had some dishes from the morning. Done with rinsing and drying everything I wiped my hands in my nightgown. I raised my hand to pick the lantern up when I noticed the same flower like before beside it. For some reason I felt chills as I picked the flower with my shaky hand and sniffed it. I held it and silently walked to my room. Standing infront of the nightstand I picked up the previous viola and sniffed it. Powdery and dreamy. And there again I felt a sharp pain striking my brain like thunder and bent down with a painful expression while clutching my head. I heard. Giggles.

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