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Author's POV

A dark figure stood behind a tree in the woods. Staring at the old victorian bungalow from the distance. The figure witnessed the post man giving the envelope to the girl, saw her standing there for few minutes before closing the door. After waiting for so long, finally a sharp scream escaped the house. The figure came out from the woods and started taking long steady steps.

The little giggles became audible as the figure approached the house. Now, there stood a tall, huge figure of a man by the door in a black long hooded coat with his head covered, having black boots on with black pant and his hands covered with black leather gloves. Still being able to hear the little girl, he gave a sharp stare to the empty corner of the living room and the giggles stopped. Nodding, he walked to the kitchen door and stood near the small fainted figure of the girl. He slowly crouched down with his elbows resting against his knees.

He tilts his head to the side as he softly removed the hair strands from her face and examined her closely. Accidently coming in contact with her soft skin he felt a sensation running through his veins, ignoring this he closed his eyes and opened them. "Hmm, As beautiful as ever", he whispered with his deep, low voice as a smirk appeared on his lips and something flashed his eyes. Excitement. Amusement. Thrill. He let out a slight chuckle as he picked her up in his arms like she weighs nothing and started walking towards the stairs.

He reached her bedroom and softly kicked her door open. Carefully placing her on the bed, he got back on his feet. Looking outside the window with his hands resting in his coat pocket. 'It will pour soon', he stated and turned his head towards her, admiring her through the moonlight. He put his right hand inside his coat and took out a blue flower from his left side and placed it on the nightstand. Then he picked up the alarm clock and set it to 2:30 am. 'Six hours is enough' he thought before bending down and pecking her forehead gently, making sure to not wake her up. "Good Night, Sweetness". He said and straightened his back, clenching his jaw, he strolled out of her room.

As he came to living room, the first thing he did was to hide the envelope in a place where it will be hard for to find but not too hard. When he returned to the kitchen, he rolled his eyes looking at the mess. He walked towards it and picked up the dead cat, squeezing her body, he grinned as the kitten disappeared. Looking down he started cleaning up after taking his gloves off. He rinsed his hands, wore his gloves, took a flower out from his coat and left it on the counter. Satisfied with his work he smiled and decided to take his leave, but not before having a cup of coffee. He walked to the door taking heavy steps with click clack of his heels.

Stepping out the door he stopped and turned to face the window of her bedroom as he lit a cigar and took few puffs before throwing it away. He gave the window one last glance before smirking and turning around, he started walking back into the woods with his hands in his pockets while blowing the smoke.

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