1. Nicola and Dominic

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"That felt amazing!" Stacia James moaned with pleasure as she walked out of the massage room and into the waiting area where her sister, Nicola Grant, sat sipping on a cup of ginger lemon tea. "How was yours, baby?"

"Ten on ten." Nicola winked as she went through the magazine she had spread out on the table.

"We are glad you are satisfied with our service." Brittany, the spa owner, grinned as she waltzed in. "We are hoping to see your mother here soon."

Yvonne Montgomery was everyone's dream patron. Wherever the former model went, the high society followed.

"I am recommending your deep tissue massage to Momma for sure. I thought I had an orgasm right there on the table." Stacia laughed. "Right, baby?"

"My husband is a twelve when it comes to orgasms so no, I won't agree. I am rating the massage a ten."

Stacia rolled her eyes while Brittany laughed good-naturedly. She dropped her voice so that Nicola wouldn't hear. "All those rumors about the... affair... are just that right? Rumors. She seems happy in her marital bliss."

Stacia's smile tightened as she nodded. She was not going to elaborate to the businesswoman, whose lips reached the ears of many of the high-end society, that that was all there was to the marriage of her younger sister. 

Mind-blowing sex.

Nothing else.

"I will get you a cup of tea as well."

She nodded as the older woman walked away.

Stacia suddenly felt her chest tighten.

Two years ago, she had chosen to marry the love of her life and call off her long-standing engagement with Dominic Grant.

Her younger sister had to pay the price for her selfishness.

And today was the celebration of that fated day.

"Everything set for the anniversary party?" She put on a happy smile she did not feel as she turned to her twenty-two-year-old younger sibling who was now married to a thirty-four-year-old man who didn't care for her. All because of her selfishness.

"I wouldn't know." Aloof, eccentric, and chronically bored. Those were the words that best described Nicola Grant. "My mother-in-law is taking care of that. But you already knew that."

"I am talking dresses, jewelry, makeup, and all that."

Nicola finally looked up, her forever bored expression intact, and sighed. "I don't care."

Stacia closed her eyes, feeling the tentacles of guilt hugging her tighter.

"Stop blaming yourself." Nicola rolled her eyes, getting up just as Brittany walked in with the tea for Stacia.

She expected Nicola to stop talking but she was Nicola after all. She was not going to stop midsentence just because someone interrupted her. "I married the love of my life. It is not your fault he turned out to be an asshole."

Brittany stopped, stumped, in the process of handing the cup over to Stacia.

"I should leave you sisters alone." She fumbled with her words.

"Next time you want to know about my husband's affair, ask me. Not anyone else." Nicola stumped her once again with her unabashed candor.


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