15. Bad Pieces Of Advice

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Dominic's head jerked up at Nicola's shout for him.

"Yeah?" His voice came out hoarse. He was deep in thoughts he had no business having in a marriage with an impending divorce.

He got up from the kitchen stool and hurried to her room.

"What is it? Are you okay?" He asked and stopped in his tracks when he found Nicola peeking out of her bedroom with damp hair and a towel around her voluptuous frame, half-hidden behind the door.

He gulped. She had given him an electric shock. Oh well, technically he had given himself an electric shock from the kiss on her forehead and now suddenly, he was hyper-aware.

And now his wife was giving him more visuals to fuel his vivid imagination.


He shook his head to get his act together. "Huh?" 

"Can you buzz Blair in? She's downstairs." 

Dominic nodded mutely but didn't move an inch until she closed the door. 

Who would have thought one kiss was all it took? One chaste kiss on the forehead?

He padded to the front door and entered the pin on the security system, giving Blair access to their private elevator. He was not interested in conversing with the assistant but he had to gain more information about his wife and who else was a better candidate for that than the woman who shadowed Nicola?

"Boss husband!" Blair smiled her fakest smile. "How have you been?" 

"We just saw each other yesterday." Dominic tried to be pleasant. 

"Yeah, after which you went on to go on a date with the other woman. Despite claiming to reconcile and trying to fix this marriage." 

Dominic's eyes bulged out of his orbits. 

"Excuse me?" 

"It's all over the tabloids." Blair maintained her smile. 

Dominic bee-lined for the kitchen island where he had left his phone and opened it. 

The first thing he saw was his best friend's message. 

MILES: Did Mrs. Poker Face kick you out yet?

MILES: Come over to the beach house. Let's catch up. 

Dominic groaned at all the other messages from his Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Natasha, the PR team, and who knows who else. 

He didn't want to reply to any of them. 

He opened the link that had him mentioned and read the abhorrent lies about his and Natasha's relationship. 

"What the fuck do I do?" 

"Did you see the articles?" He turned when he heard Blair speak in the living room and knew she was speaking to her boss. 

"Nicola?" Dominic called as he hurried to her side. 

"Yes?" Nicola looked up from putting her phone in her purse. 

Dominic paused. 

Why on earth did she look so beautiful for a business meeting? 

She was wearing a pair of grey suit pants and a white shirt tucked in, and no makeup on. 

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