20. Family Dinner

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Nicola looked up from the bland soup Mary had put together for her because she could not stand any strong smell at all.

"So?" She raised a brow at Dominic.

He held up the photo of their baby's sonogram.

"Don't we need to tell everyone?" He was bouncing on his feet.

"I will tell them in person when I get back to work on Monday." Nicola gave him a small smile. The tiniest of smiles. She couldn't wait for her people's reaction. Even though the marriage was a mess and they all wanted her to get a divorce, they would be so happy to hear that a mini Nicky was on the way.

"Not your staff, silly." Dominic laughed. "Our family!"

Nicola's smile fell. She had forgotten about that. She had not told anyone yet, not even her sister.

"Stacy is not going to be happy," Nicola murmured. "I was the first one she told when she found out she was pregnant."

Dominic nodded, grinning. "She'll get over it. In fact, she will be too happy about the baby to even care about the tiny detail."

He was right. Nicola knew her sister too well. She wasn't going to hold a grudge.

 "It's not Stacy I am worried about."

Dominic's grin faltered. "What do you mean? Are you worried about how your parents might react?"

Nicola rolled her eyes. She was in too good a mood to have this conversation. That she was more worried about what all bullshit his parents might say and how she would react to it because she didn't seem to have complete control over her poker face these days.

"They're going to say something," she said simply instead. "And I'm not sure if I'm ready for their 'advice'."

Dominic's grin disappeared. "Look, I know things have been tense with everyone, but we're going to be parents now. They'll come around."

Nicola nodded.

She was happy to tell her sister and BIL. Maverick even. The rest of the lot though, she didn't know how she felt about it.

But they would have to know at some point. It might as well be as soon as possible.

"Let's invite all of them over for dinner here." She finally said.

"You want to host them?" Dominic was surprised. "You have never done that before."

"I have never been pregnant before either." Nicola rolled her eyes. His unnecessary chatter was starting to irritate her. She blamed the hormones. NO. She did not have mood swings.

Dominic took the hint and stalled his mouth. It was one of the rare moments when he was able to read the room.

"How about Friday?" He asked, after a pause.

Nicola simply nodded as she went back to her soup.

Dominic looked down at the picture and pouted. He wanted to make it his wallpaper but he would have to wait another two days before he could do that.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked again.

Nicola looked up at her husband. "Dominic?"





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