18. The Best Life

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From believing that his wife was a robot with no personality,

To pitying her and deciding to give her the divorce she asked for, 

To being petty over a video and deciding to make it hard for her, 

To changing his decision once again after her outburst and deciding to become her friend, 

To getting influenced by his stupid friend and trying to woo her,

Dominic had the most life-changing ten days of his life. 

But who would have thought the most life-changing matter yet would be served on a silver platter by his wife? 

The one that changed everything.

The person that changed everything. 

Their baby. 

"I am pregnant." 

Dominic stumbled back, knocking the package of sushi off the island in the process. 

"What did you just say?" His voice came out hoarse.

"I said I am pregnant. I am six weeks along." 

Dominic covered his mouth with his hand as he took deep breaths. 

Nicola waited for Dominic to say something. Waited a hundred whole seconds - she counted - but he was still shell-shocked to utter a word. 

So she decided to take things into her own hands. 

"Since you don't want the kid-"

"I want our kid!" Dominic cut her off immediately, jolting out of the shock at magnificent speed. "Why would I not want our kid?" 

"But you just said-"

"What I meant was that I preferred to not have a kid right now because we are in the middle of what you call a marriage in crisis. But now that the baby is here, of course, I want him or her." Dominic tentatively took a step towards his wife and covered her flat belly with his broad hand. 

These words or gestures were not calming for Nicola, who had tears dripping down her eyes again. "So you are going to fight me for custody."

Dominic looked up at her face, his eyebrows pinching together. It was one of those rare moments in the relationship where he was the mature one while Nicola acted her age. 

"What? No, of course not." Dominic did not know if he meant it or not. He only knew that he did not want her worrying about it. "You can have full custody if you want as long as I still get to spend time with our baby." 

He didn't mean that. He wanted joint custody. He did not understand why Nicola wasn't thinking of that arrangement.

But this was going to be the case if the divorce went through. He was not very happy with the idea of a divorce with a kid on the way. But this was not the right time for that discussion.

"Yeah?" She did not trust him. 

"Of course." 

"Now." He took a deep breath. "Where were we?" 

"You were going to eat? I was going to go to go to my room?" 

Dominic shook his head. "That won't do. This is our first child. We have to celebrate. Who else knows?" Again, the question left a bitter taste in his mouth. He was a little on the possessive side and he wanted to be the first to know. But he knew that was not possible. At least Blair or Stacia knew by now. 

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