Extra (Title: Burn)

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SMR here!

There is this song that has been stuck in my head for so long and won't leave me until I write this one-shot that I am not even sure to add to the story since... I don't know kind of not the right ending right now. So I made it relevant to one of the storylines in the comic instead.

Hope you all enjoy this short piece while waiting ....... since I might be back soon this time :))

SMR out


Dick can't help but grasp the bleeding arm after he pushed the makeshift shield that was pushed to him by his friend. The wall portion that became his shield was immediately shattered as it impacted the ground with its other pieces and debris from the destruction. His eyes immediately shifted to the sky showing the red rays of the sun as it slowly gave its remaining time for the day.

He heaves his body up to stand on his two feet despite the sharp pains and aches his body protests to him to make him stop moving furthermore but his mind is in a different state to consider those thoughts or give in to his body's demands. He slowly takes a few steps in pain as his self-loathing and despair seep through his inner walls of emotion while looking around his surroundings. The scenery around him was no longer the busy streets of the urban city of Bludhaven but akin to the destruction of what was promised to him years ago. The tallest building that serves as his standing point to view the city as a whole was no longer to be seen and the other buildings were either half of their size or disintegrated into a pile of what it once was with rebars sticking out in some angles.

The disbelief and terror crashed down on him as he saw his beloved city into ashes and pieces.

"Red Robin?" Dick started calling out to his communicators, "Robin? Hood? Batman? Spoiler? BlackBat? Anyone?"

The silence was so loud in his ears that he did not know if the ringing he can hear is from the impact on his head, the feedback of his comms, or the grave situation everyone in. His body further protested as he tried to walk faster than he should be able to do in his state, but his adrenaline was giving out its last-ditch effort to know the condition of the people he loved.

He pulled out a watch that would indicate any living being within a 2-mile radius, and he is glad that he accepted before separating from his family from the Batplane. Terror reigns his mind as he finds not a single heat signature of his family present in the watch

"There are not around here," Dick snaps his head back in the direction of the voice, "I made sure that you won't see them with your devices or know their conditions but I can assure you that they are now in a place you will meet them soon."

"Why are you doing this?" Dick questioned with anguish lacing into his tone, "I thought you were passed this and feared this kind of outcome?"

"I was," The deep voice of his friend echoes as he sauntered his way from the debris around them, "but then I realized the flaw of your ideology and self-righteousness of finding justice."

"What flaw?" Dick can't help but feel desperate, "we once have the same ideology that killing won't lead us to anything, what changed? Was it your encounter with the Joker and Luthor that changed this?"

The voice remained silent as he stopped in front of his friend."Don't blame them as they did nothing to me or convinced me of this. This is merely my realization that I have been killing things left and right since I was 12. Trying to wrap myself up to the mindset that I was doing it right since it would help people with the same blood as me since they are only monsters that would respawn over and over again. To my surprise, I am just killing them over and over again."

Dick can't help but fall to his knees as he watches his friend can't be anymore be reasoned with. He let his eyes fall to the ground as he knew he had no power to fight against his powerful friend that let people be killed and kill the person that caused this destruction.

"You know, despite the realization of me being a killer all this time, I have this mindset that will stick to me to the end," his friend drawled as he grabbed Dick's face in between his hands, "I would do anything to protect my love ones."

Dick took a sharp gasp as his head was snapped upwards by the hands of his friend. His friend's sea-green eyes shine a darker hue than he is familiar with.

"I would let the world know and burn into ashes than you being tied up to a bomb and die in the process, Dick. I'll let the world burn than you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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