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The city finally opened its night lights as soon as the sun giving out its last rays for the day. Yellow rays turned orange and covered most of the tall, intimidating buildings of Gotham City. The loud shouts and talks from the citizens slowly got hushed as the light of the full moon above them got brighter and the darkness of the night got darker. The loud honks of the cars got louder by the minute and some passersby briskly walk to their houses, rushing their ways to the safeness of their homes. A few drunkards and homeless individuals showed up and wandered around the streets of Gotham City; trying to get a safe place within the crime-filled of Gotham City. 

As soon as the ebony colors of the night are replacing the orange hues of dawn, criminals and lunatics came out of their hiding places. Their hysterical laughter and loud voices were slowly filling up the silent city of Gotham, giving the residents a warning and a sign of the chaos they bring. Despite the growing danger in Gotham City during the night, a guy wearing a blue hoodie is walking around on the crime-filled streets of Gotham. The hood of his jacket covered his face and his messy ebony shade hair gives the impression, to anyone passes by him, of a homeless and drug addict boy. His posture was tense, and his body language emits a message of attacking anyone who gets in his way. 

Even after a few twists and turns around the crime-filled city, he didn't notice the two infamous psychotic criminals are spying on him. The taller figure stepped out first from the shadows of a tall building with a broken lamppost beside it. A crowbar is in his hands, preparing himself to strike the hooded guy. His green hair and unique color of his clothing spoke volumes on how deadly he is to the citizens of Gotham. The smaller and petite figure prepared her mallet-like weapon in her hands. Her pale skin, tight skimpy outfit, and her blonde hair with colored highlights shone from the darkness of the streets. They mirrored crazy filled grins, and they exchanged silent chuckles. They slowly shortening the distance, in fear of losing the hooded man once again by the sudden approach, and carefully preparing their chosen weapons. It filled them with excitement and it was clear in their faces as they were 5 feet away from the man.

The hooded man noticed their presence as they enter the 5 feet radius of his personal space. He took a right turn from a crossroad, proving his suspicion of being followed, and hasten his pace. Despite the lack of light posts and light in the streets, the man knows that these two are on his tail and have weapons to look out for. The male criminal noticed the sudden change of posture and pace of the hooded man and let out a burst of demented laughter. The laughter echoed throughout the streets, letting the residents nearby know his presence and identity. People inside and the passersby tremble and hide in fear of provoking the man or gain his interest.

The hooded man ran away from his pursuers upon hearing their infamous laughter. The two notice the change of speed and pace of the man in front of them and ran too.  They all go into circles and evaded various obstacles in their way. The man leaps over stacks of garbage bags and ducked from the hanging beams of some unfinished constructed or worn down buildings. The two infamous would often break the obstacles in front of them from shattering glass bottles and windows to denting metal beams. Their already grinning face turned into a more ecstatic expression and their excitement double-folded once they noticed that the man they are chasing after is going to a certain direction and way. 

Roaming the streets of Gotham for a month wasn't enough for the man to remember the twists and turns of the city. After being chased by the infamous criminals of Gotham for what it felt like for hours, the man turned to an alleyway and reached its dead-end. The man was about to turn away and change its route, but it was too late. The two infamous criminals are already blocking his way with their weapons raised, chuckling at his predicament. 

"Mister J, look!" the pale and petite woman called out to the man beside her with glee, "We finally cornered the guy!"

The man beside her glanced at her with annoyance before eyeing the man across from them, standing in the middle of the alleyway with nothing to protect him from them.

Accident (Young Justice and Percy Jackson) (under Heavy editing/rewriting) Where stories live. Discover now