Christmas special and a little Valentine special

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Grayson's POV

"Hey Dick," Percy shouted as he pulled out something that smells delicious from the oven. "can you kindly get the blue square pot holder and place it on the countertop. Thank you!"

"Geez, Percy. Its only just the two of us here yet here you are preparing a big feast." I said as I did what he asked and looked at the mountain like dishes from a far. "Not that I am complaining but this will all go to waste afterwards."

"Oh please, you want this feast in the first place. I am only doing it like what you wanted." Percy snorted as he placed a tray of cookies on the pot holder. "I really wish I could find that wooden mat for this."

"How can you find that wooden thing if you didn't even bother to clean up your dirty desk?" I eyed the stacked up papers and other objects on his table that looks like two piles of mountains on both of his side; And one false move around it could toppled over and create a massive disaster on the floor and onto the trash bin filled with mechanical parts. "And how did you even know my plans? Its not even typed in my digital journal or anything you can get ahold to."

"Quite simple actually," Percy smiled and ignored my comment about his untidy habits as he stirred the pot on the stove. "You talked in your sleep."

"I DO NOT!" I stomped my way towards him with a blush started to escape its way on my face. "As far as I know, I don't."

Percy started to laugh his butt off after turning off the stove and covered the pot with a glass lid. It took me a few seconds to realized that he played a joke on me.

"Very funny, Perce." I sarcastically said as I sat on the barstool behind the countertop that has the tray of cookies on. Eyeing the delicious treat in front of me, I took a cookie with a paper towel.

"But seriously, why did you make a big feast?" I asked before taking a bite onto the cookie. "Its not like you did some witchcraft onto me, are you?"

"Hey!" He exclaimed as he threw a wooden spoon towards me; which I successfully dodged this time. "Don't call my powers witchcraft! Its not a witchcraft to begin with. And besides, the feast is not only the two of us."

Looking at him questionably and confused, as he checked the cake in the oven, my thoughts wondered to the time we first talked. I remembered he told me that he left his past for the greater good and to avoid his family being targeted and harmed. He also told me that he wouldn't go back either way for he was the cause of their misfortune.

But to me, he wasn't the one bringing bad luck or harm to anyone. At first, I was apprehensive of things around him. But seeing him and been with him around for some time, I can say that his self claims are his way to avoid people and get people to hate him; but that didn't happened to me. I pursue to help him which lead us this way. Isolated to the real world outside the bunker.

"Then, with who?" I asked, still confused about his motifs. "I thought you left everyone behind already?"

"I did." Percy gravely said. "I am referring to someone who helped me find you and helped when you were not around. Besides, there this one dude sparked my interest the other day and I kind of invited him over."

"The hell?!" I suddenly sprung up from my seat and lean towards him. "Why did you tell our hideout?! You know this could lead you to danger! Even though the League and some villains haven't noticed your presence, you can't just blurt to someone your location! You are still trying to control your powers! You could have harm that person or perhaps you in general."

"Shut it, Grayson!" Percy shouted before my lecture prolonged. "This person is very reliable. I guarantee it. And besides, we are going to Greece for our newly made bunker."

"Still, Percy." I said as I flopped back to my seat and pinched the bridge of my nose. "This hideout could still be in use in the near future."

Before Percy could utter a word, my communicator suddenly rang; shutting Percy up from whatever he was about to say. Knowing the consequences of letting his presence/existence know to others, he began to cook quietly; like as if he were in silent mode.

"Nightwing, speaking." I said.

"Grayson," The childish voice of the youngest bat growled in reply. "father wishes you to visit the manor for dinner."

"Right, Damian." I said before chuckling. "You don't have to cover it up. I can tell, you are excited to see me later for Christmas eve. I'll be there in a minute."

In no time, Damian hung up.

"Well the little bat surely misses the elder yet very childish and headaching bat." I heard Percy rumbled as he turned the stove off.

"I heard that!." I shouted as I grabbed my coat and keys from the glass table.

"Well you are meant to hear that." Percy chuckled.

"I swear I will get you next time." I said before walking out of our hideout.


Percy's POV

As soon as Dick walked out, I grabbed my cellphone and called the guy who took my interest.

"Hey, my roomie is gone. You can come out now." I said before hanging up.

After minutes had passed and I was done preparing the feast, I heard a knock from the door. Knowing who it was, I immediately grabbed my heavy tinted goggles from my desk and wore it before answering the door.

"How nice of you to come visit me and graciously blessed me with you presence." I smiled at the guy in front of me.

"Your roommate is Dick Grayson?" He asked with his helmet under his arm and a knitted eyebrows.

"Why? Got a problem with it?" I asked back, knowing it would annoy him furthermore.

"Yes, I know him. And you sticking by his side would give me the impression that you are trouble." He said as I invite him inside, which he stomped his way in.

"Oh please," I said as I closed the door. "you are the one who is called trouble, Jason Todd."

"Just get to the topic why you called me here, Jack." He growled as his white forelock blocking his view.

"I am about to." I smiled. "How about we settle it in the dinner table and you should tell me about the intel I wanted. Remember, no lies and no bullshit."

(Super Unedited)


SMR here!

I know this is very late.
And I am very sorry for it.

I am still trying to write and update my stories between my busy schedule. On the good side, I can write freely soon since summer break is near.

Hope you all like the little filler chapter!😄

Remember this is before the League know his existence, which means this is before the story starts.




SMR out

Accident (Young Justice and Percy Jackson) (under Heavy editing/rewriting) Where stories live. Discover now