Happy Valentines!!!

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SMR here!

I know it's been so long since I wrote a chapter and I really miss writing stories but some things are demanding my time more than ever. Luckily, I passed a few colleges that I applied and some are still processing my tests... Good thing out of 7 colleges... i passed 5 of it and 1 failed but I only hope for the best to come...

Anyway, a little scene in the bunker and this is before the story starts... hope you like this little filler chapter while waiting for me to edit, write, and fix my personal life.

Third pov??

Dick Grayson didn't know what to do or what he would do on the small containers and boxes in his arms. Multiple sizes and colors of packages are on his hands that sought the attention of his co-workers and from the pedestrians. He didn't expect this to happen and he only assumed a box or two would only pop out of nowhere but multiple boxes were stacked up in his office when he came back from his lunch break. Giggles and fast footsteps can be heard whenever he passed by before another box with a small note would enter his field of vision. Girls would try to get his attention, but he would politely decline their offer. He just wanted the day to end quickly.

As soon as his predicament went out of hand, with all the people around him wanting his attention or the sparkling gifts he received distracts his colleagues, his boss immediately made him leave work early without deducting his salary. Dick immediately accepts the offer when he notices that some stares are getting too intense for his comfort; making him feel jittery and anxious for any scenarios. He dashed outside to the bunker, with small gifts stacked up in his arms and bags on each arms, not even noticing the dismay floating in the air as soon as he stepped out of the building. 

Dick tried to walk discreetly but with the stacked goods in his arms and the various smells would seep through its containers, that made his stomach rumble for food, the surrounding people would look at his direction before noticing who he was and would add a few small boxes. He wanted to get to his current home as soon as possible but with how the people would stop his tracks before giving him a small treat, he couldn't do anything than a sigh. Luckily, he got to the bunker with no one following or know his location.

He was about to drop a few boxes on the ground, to give him the liberty to press the entrance code on the numeric keypad, when the metal door went ajar. Dick know that his roommate is being considerate and opened the door for him but left as soon as possible. He slowly kicked the door open with his left foot before letting it close on its own with an audible sound. Grumbling to himself, Dick sauntered his way to the countertop and gracelessly let the boxes and packages of goodies fall on its black marble like texture. He could hear the new resident of the bunker slowly went beside him and smell around his feet before trudging to his owner. Soft barks are in the background when Dick went to the fridge for a bottle of water before plopping himself on the sofa in the living room. He immediately drank the whole bottle and dropped the bottle to the trash bin beside him.

"Grayson?" A confused voice asked for Dick; which let himself know by groaning a yes and placed his feet on the table witha loud sound.

"Grayson!," The voice realized his roommate is here and immediately went to the living room after making some cluttering and loud thudding sounds. "Do you have something to give me?"

As soon as the question were left from his mouth, the owner of the voice appeared from his room. His working goggles are skewed, and his face and clothes are covered with soot and oil. Dick grimaced at his appearance before the smell of metal and oil hit his nostrils.

"Dude!," Dick exclaimed before covering his nose with his hand. "Take a shower first before trying to approach me or the goodies."

"Hmph," He pouted before taking a few steps away from me and made a distance from his wolf. He snapped his fingers from his side, catching the attention of the wolf but stays below the dining table, and made swirls in the air with his index finger. He looks like a wizard wannabe with his fingers raised in the air for a second before a ball of water came towards him from the sink. Water slowly crawled on his skin and on his clothes, leaving no traces of oil and soot, and became clean in an instant. "There, happy?"

"Very." Dick nodded at the sudden display of powers and his clean appearance before pointing the direction of the gifts he received; offering the goodies on the countertop him. Dick is sure that upon offering his gifts to him, he can see the sparkle in his eyes as he dashed to where the gifts innocently lay. "Dont finish them all. I still have kids to feed."

"You even call those rascals kids?" He asked as he opened a small heart-shaped box from the pile and munch a piece of chocolate truffles. "Well, technically, one of them is a kid and the rest are hardly enough to be called kids. Maybe childish or a brat is more suited."

"They are still my brothers, Percy," Dick emphasized as he propped his feet on the other armrest and his head on the other armrest of the sofa. "they will ever be even some of them decline about it."

"Whatever." Percy dismissed the topic before munching the rest of the chocolates in the heart-shaped box. "I am still going to eat most of these and I'm going to hoard your time and attention."

"Stop aggravating them." Dick sighed. "They will search for you again and you will leave them more frustrated by giving them dead ends and pranks."

"I am only doing my job, Dickie!" Percy beamed and opened a small red box with a yellow ribbon on top. "I am born to die anyways, why not leave some fun and joy while we are at it."

"I swear to any deity you believe will get back at you with all you are doing right now." Dick scowled and closed his eyes. "I still hope they won't find you; The gods, Joker, Hayley, your friends."

"I do hope so too, Dick." Percy stopped grabbing a small piece of chocolate from the box and stared at it with sadness. "I don't want to leave you or anyone body again. I don't want to run again."

"Don't worry. I am here for you." Dick smiled and Percy grinned before inhaling the chocolates.

"That won't stop me from eating everything in front of me." 




I was supposedly post this on the 14th (maybe to some its still 13) but I suddenly fell asleep while typing and left everything on and charging. 

Bad on my part but I really can't fight sleepiness when I get days of no sleep and too tired from school.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this filler chapter...

SMR out!!

Accident (Young Justice and Percy Jackson) (under Heavy editing/rewriting) Where stories live. Discover now