Chapter 1

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A/n: The mountain is still in its good condition and Wally West didn't fade or die in this story and Artemis is still Artemis and also in the team with Wally but they are sometimes not included in some missions since they still want to leave the hero business. To be clear this story happened before the young justice season three happened... I want to change it but it will be different than my original plot.... so I just stayed after season 2 but season 3 didn't happen at all... or maybe I can add them in my second book...

For now back to the story and more notes at the bottom

Nightwing POV

Nightwing was indulging his precious moments of being himself in Mount Justice with a book in his hand. He happily flips through a few pages of the book that his brothers recommended for him. Almost getting to the climax of the story when he heard the familiar beep of his communicator and the booming and broody voice of Batman through his communicator.

"Team, report to the debriefing room," the monotonous of Batman was heard.

Nightwing sighed before closing the thick book in his hands and placed it on top of his bed, ignoring the purpose of the table provided in the room. He jumped off his bed and fixed his hero costume, grabbing the signature mask of the Bat Clan on the nightstand and placed on his eyes before leaving his room and headed out to the debriefing room. Upon his arrival in the debriefing room, he noticed that the team isn't complete yet. Kaldur was standing near the debriefing screen with Batman in front of him and is facing them. Nightwing waved to his team leader and nodded in greeting to Batman, which both males returned the greeting with a nod.

A few seconds later, loud and fast footsteps were heard going to the debriefing room. Nightwing immediately distanced himself from the entrance and wait for the approaching team members. One by one the team entered the room with serious expressions after greeting each other with smiles and joyful expressions. Nightwing examined the room and noticed that a certain speedster from the future and a transforming boy is nowhere to be seen. The scurrying footsteps alerted the entire team of his entrance and gave way for him. Impulse came through the entrance. He sped around the room once before halting beside Nightwing and talked excitedly. He talked so fast that the three present males couldn't catch most of what he is saying and blocked the sound of Beastboy entering the room in his eagle form. The soft sound of transformation from Beastboy stopped impulse from chattering about something and waved a greeting to the transforming boy. Beastboy greeted the speedster with the same enthusiasm and talked about missions and addition to his collection of souvenirs. Nightwing smiled and watched the two young heroes chattering happily at the side of the room, ignoring the presence of the whole team and the reason they are called in the debriefing room. Kaldur clapped once to stop the two boys from taking too much time chatting and might anger the waiting Batman in front of the team.

The two boys sheepishly apologize to the team and nodded at the Batman to start the meeting. The team heard a gruff from the Bat before turning his back and showed the team a video footage of a bizarre natural occurrence. The sudden appearance of a tall tsunami in Central City. The Flash luckily came to the rescue before the disaster strikes the citizens of Central City. He ran back and forth on the bayside of Central City to lessen the impact of the waves. In the middle of dissipating the waves, the tsunami suddenly disappeared, and the Flash stopped running and was left standing by the bayside confused and being praised by the citizens of Central City behind him.

"Flash brought up this phenomenon to the League five days ago," Batman started to inform the team of young heroes about their mission, "he called the attention of the League due to the sighting of Joker and Harley Quinn roaming around Central City during the incident. The League further investigate the incident and found out that the two clowns are chasing after a boy wearing a dark blue hoodie and said to be the cause of the tsunami in Central City."

Accident (Young Justice and Percy Jackson) (under Heavy editing/rewriting) Where stories live. Discover now