Weird and Extraordinary

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Juniper sat still, waiting for the rabbit to approach her.

She was in the forest, right outside of her house. The thick foliage surrounded her, and the rabbit's nose twitched.

Just a little closer . . .

Juniper leaned against a willow tree, very very still for the rabbit. She had a way with animals, and humans, sometimes, they seemed to be very calm and quiet for her. She had no idea why, but it was nice.

The rabbit sniffed the ground.

"Hey, buddy . . ." Juniper said softly. The rabbit looked up, alert, but there was something in its eyes that remined Juniper of a relaxed person. 

Its nose twitched again.

"Come closer . . ." Juniper hummed softly under her breath, hoping to be likeable to the small rabbit.

A footstep was heard from behind them, and the rabbit's head turned, then turned tail and fled.

Juniper sighed. "Willow and William, if that's you, I swear I will . . ."

It's wasn't the cheerful, extraverted twins, it was a boy about her age. He seemed familiar, and Juniper realized he was in her class. His shirt was a little mangled, and the backpack that he had slung over his shoulder was torn to shreds.

"Oh, um. I thought you were someone else." Juniper winced.

The boy stared at her. "I . . . what are you doing here?"

Juniper felt a little haughty about him. "I could ask you the same question!"

"I was just - I mean, the hike - but, never mind. What are you doing here, in the middle of nowhere?"

Juniper pretended to look at her watch. "Oof, look at the time! Got to go."

She ran off, slouching her satchel on top of her shoulder, sprinting. So weird. What was some rando boy doing here, eh? She had her reason, but he was just . . .

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